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~Jayden pov

I'm at Carson's apartment eating breakfast and I've been listening to this song lately and I realized it reminds me of me and annie. I told Carson that I really want to sing this song to annie. And he said he can help me with my runs or vocal warms whatever they're called.

"Carson when are we going to work on this song?" I asked him while eating

"you wanna practice now?" He asked while finishing up his plate of food

"gimme a minute" I said while eating. I finished up my food then got up from my chair and put my plate in the trash.

"k let's practice in the living room" I said to him. We walked over to the couch and he gave me his guitar. I already know how to play guitar and piano just a little but I'm great at guitar because Carson taught me. We sat down on the couch next to each other.

"the first thing you need to do it get the instrumental for it perfect" he said

"I know how to play the whole song on here" I said while scratching my head

"okay so do you know the whole songs lyrics?" He asked me

"yes I just don't know how to sing them right" I said

"igh ima fuwitchu" he said then took a sip of his drink.

"now you just wanna sing it from the soul not through your nose" he said

~annie pov

"every little thing you do got me feeling some type of way" I sang

"when you gimme that thunder you make me summer rain" Draco sang

"and then it goes..and it won't stop" I said then sang. Draco wrote that down.

"do you think we'll always be music artists?" He asked me then looked at me

"I don't know. We're going to collab with other famous artists like Ed Sheeran and Ariana Grande and maybe Beyoncé one day so I wouldn't give up on those opportunities" I said

"yeah that's cool and whatever but music is a lot of work for us we constantly have to write music" he said

"Draco we have a song writer that provided for us just in case we got tired of writing our own music" I said

"..oh yeah" he said

"yeah dumbass you forgot about him didn't you" I said

"sure damn did" he said then started laughing and I did too.

"I have a question" I said with a smile

"I might have an answer" he said with a smile

"okay it's about Jayden" I said

"oh boy" he said then face palmed

"i told jayden about what lilia told me and she cried about it and she told me that she promises to get her self together for me..do you think she's lying?" I asked

"YES because she's said that a thousand time's already...but this time she was crying so maybe she meant it for real..I wouldn't be surprised if she was lying though" he said

"we deleted all her hoes out her phone and blocked all of them so I think that she's kinda getting ready to commit to just me" I said

"woah wait she dipped the hoes for you infront of your face?!" Draco asked looking shocked

"yes" I said with a slight smile. He chuckled softly.

"that's fucking shocking for her to do that bitch doesn't ever leave her hoes for no one" he said with a smile

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