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~annie pov

Im on my way downstairs with my bags and shit. I got downstairs. And there he is draco. He came over to me. He's wearing this and I'm wearing this.

 He's wearing this and I'm wearing this

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"i can take em for you while you get everything else you need" he said while grabbing my 2 suit cases

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"i can take em for you while you get everything else you need" he said while grabbing my 2 suit cases.

"igh ill be right back with one more" I said. He nodded then walked out the house to his car with them. I went upstairs and got my last suit case then put on my backpack. I went downstairs and he was already back in the house. He took it and looked at me before he was about to walk off and said.

"you look good today😏" he said while smirking. I smiled and hit him.

"shut up" I said while smiling. He chuckled and walked off with my suit case. I walked over to the kitchen and my parents were in there talking about work.

"alright guys im leaving now, bye" I said until they stopped me

"hold it" my dad said

"yes ?" I said

"how long are you gonna be gone" my dad asked

"i dont know I'll have to ask mr johnson" i said

"will jayden be there" my mom asked

"no she's staying at john quincy" I said

"if I find out y'all back together you're getting beat right billy" my mom said

"uh...yes that's correct" my dad said. My dad and I had a talk about him beating me he doesnt want to hurt me and actually accepts me being bisexual. He said he'd stop and he promised and I know he won't he just has to lie to mom because we're all afraid of besides hayley because shes a bad bitch.

"okay well I gotta ima miss the flight, bye" I said then walked out the kitchen. I hugged hayley goodbye she was in the living room the whole time playing with Draco.

"lets go draco" i said

"k, bye hayley" he said

"bye guys ima miss you" she said

"we'll miss you too" I said then walked out the door. We got in dracos car and we were on our way to the air port.

22 minutes later..

We're still in the car almost there. We'll be there in like 3 minutes.

"what if we get super famous, what if we get rich all that" I said

"bro we're gonna meet so many famous people like for real we will be famous" he said. We arrived at the air port and got out his car. We got our suit cases and then locked his car. Then we started making our way inside the air port. We got inside and our flight was already about to go so we started walking straight there. We got to our plane and put our suit cases in the suit case place thingy then sat down.

15 hours later..

Los vegas🌃

We got out the air port and it was 8:30 pm. We stood outside for our uber to come get us.

"tomorrow mr johnson wants us to be at his record label office by 8 in the morning so we can talk anoit music and get it dropped possibly and so we can meet new people and make friends" he said

"i just wanna get to the hotel" I said

"whats wrong" he asked

"im cramping😩" I whined. He rolled his eyes

"okay relax...here it comes now" he said. The uber showed up and we got in. 10 minutes later we arrived at the hotel and got a room then went to the room.

"i call this bed" he said while jumping in it. I put my shit down on my side of the hotel then laid in bed. My phone started ringing so I pulled it out my pocket. Jayden wanted to face time. I rolled my eyes. I answered.

Face time

"if you called me to get on my nerves this really isn't the time jayden😩" i whined

"why, what's wrong?" She asked

"im on my period" I said. She started smiling then chuckled.

"what are you laughing at" I asked getting annoyed. My hormones are everywhere when I'm on my period.

"nothing i was laughing at something i was thinking about" she said while smiling

"what were you thinking about" I asked

"i was looking at yo fine ass and i inside my head i was like i wanna fuck her then i forgot i wasn't dating you but then again i remebered i can still get yo pussy if i wanted it" she said then started smirking

"can you stop playing with me for once damn" I said

"im sorry baby" she said. I looked her dead serious and she started laughing. Draco came over to me with a chocolate bar and coke.

"here, i know you like this stuff when it's that time of the month" he said while handing it to me. I took it.

"thanks draco" I said

"no problem" he said

"eww is that draco uglyass" jayden said

"my fine ass yes it is" he said

"go sit down and order us dinner" I said

"room service?" He asked

"yah" I said

"why y'all in the same bedroom" she asked

"because we can its our business" I said

"no but on a serious note, im really sorry for how i acted and i really miss you already, school isnt the same anymore😩" she whined. She's laying in bed. She looks so cute in her PJs. I bought her that and i have the same one.

"jayden" i said

"mhm" she said

"...i love you" I said

"i love you too" she said

"are you with sophia" I asked

"hell no i aint with no one" she said

"why not" I asked. She looked at me with the most precious face ever. I just wanted to grab her face and hold it😩.

"because i only want you😩" she whined. I smiled.

"awwwwwwww" draco said.

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