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~annie pov

I've been with Jayden half the day at school. But everytime she tired to kiss me or hug me or touch I just dodged it and she didn't even ask why I did. She knows I'm disappointed at her. We haven't talk about it yet. I know I'm gonna cry if we do talk about it😩. What the fuck does Josie have that I dont? I fuck this girl so good all the time and she loves it. Does Josie make her feel better? I let her ride my dick and I eat her pussy for however long she wants. Does Josie do it long? I just have so many questions I wanna ask her but Jayden isn't honest all the time she sometimes acts like one of those unloyal guys. Maybe that's why she isn't honest because she got it from them. Jayden doesn't even know how hurt I get when she does dumb stuff like texting other girls and hanging out with guys that I don't know. I don't do that stuff at all. I'm loyal to her but she's not to me. I just wanna beat her up sometimes for playing with my heart and she calls me the love of her life. How the fuck am I the love of your life if you always find another person to love on? She's a dumbass. It's a b day today. Im walking to my old coaches office to see her. My track coach. I've been seeing her and talking to her in the halls and stuff. Since I have a off period I'm gonna go see her and the junior track team. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened.

 I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened

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I have my white jacket on. It's unzipped. I'm walking out to the track right now. I got to the track and saw coach Lynn and the junior track team. They were running and Coach was timing them. I walked over to Coach

"hey coach Lynn" I said with a smile. She turned around and looked at me then smiled.

"hey champ!" She said excitedly then we hugged.

"how you been?" She asked with a smile

"I've been great how about you?" I asked with a smile

"I could be better...are you enjoying being a pop star?" She asked with a smile

"yah it's great. I got money, a nice house for my parents and sister, been working a lot of music with Draco and collabs with new people. It's amazing" I said with a slight smile

"are you still with Jayden?" She asked with a smile. My cheeks started to heat up I don't know why😊 and I'm mad at her why am I blushing😒.

"we haven't broken up but we aren't talking to each other right now😊" I said while blushing

"why aren't you talking?" She asked

"she's being stupid as usual. I think she cheated on me with this girl named Josie" I said

"ohh I've heard about that" she said

"how?" I asked

"everyone here is talking about it." She said

"great. Now we're the topic of the week." I said sarcasticly

"to be honest Jayden acts like she's a player. When I see her she's always with a guy and she looks like she's flirting with them." She said

"I wanna break up with her but I don't at the same time...I just...i still love her.." I said softly then looked at the ground

"awwwwwwwwh" she said. I looked at her and she was smiling. I chuckled nervously and smiled. The track team came.

"hey girls good job today remember track practice every morning so you don't have be out here burning up on sunny days" coach said

"yes ma'am" they all said

"k. Go get dressed." Coach said. They all started walking off the field. Me and coach started walking off the field too.


~Jayden pov

I'm not in lunch. I'm sitting outside the cafeteria against the lockers. I just know for a fact that if I go in there then Zoe will upset me again and I'll freak out. I can't even have annie with me right now because she's mad at me. I need her the most at these times😩. I'm wearing this outfit my hair in a messy bun and a Nike headband on.

 I'm wearing this outfit my hair in a messy bun and a Nike headband on

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I pulled out my phone and went to twitter. I tweeted i don't wanna be alive, I just wanna die today, i just wanna die💔 I posted that on my Twitter then turned off my phone.

"why me?" I asked myself softly. I saw annie come out the cafeteria. She looked at me and I lost eye contact with her. I heard her walk over to me and she sat next to me.

"...i fucked Josie about 2 weeks ago and those messages were recent...I'm sorry I didn't tell you...you can break up with me if you want...you don't deserve to be with me...you deserve better.." I said softly

"why'd you cheat on me?" She asked softly. Tears rolled down her cheeks and that made me cry too.

"i don't know..i got bored while you were gone.." I said softly. She sniffled and wiped her tears.

"as much as I love you...I love myself too...and the best thing to do isn't to be with you.." she said softly. Her lip started quivering😩. My heart just shattered to pieces💔.

"can we be on a break at least...I can't live without you😭" I said while tears ran down my cheeks rapidly. She shook her head and sniffled.

"i love you so much...but we're toxic for each other right now...we have to break up jayden😭" she said while tears streamed out of her eyes.

"Julianna please😭" I said while crying. She hugged me and I hugged her back. We just held each other for 1 long minute then we broke the hug.

"bye Jayden😩" she said looking heart broken. She stood up and walked off. I watched her walk away. My fucking heart hurts so badly😭. I lost the love of my life💔.

After school...
Jayden's house...

~Jayden pov

Man. I don't even know. I just feel so dumb right now. Why'd I do her like that. When I loved her😩. I feel suicidal now. I'm not even myself right now. I'm always happy and have a good attitude but I'm in my lowest point. My breaking point💔. I slit my wrist 3 times and I had a panic attack once I got home. I told my mom about what happened and she's trying to be here for me but I wanna be alone. Everyone has been trying to send me positive messages and stuff. My friends, family, and my stans. The annie stans And jaynnie stans are still there for me. They're just sweet people. I thought that they'd hate me because of what happened they don't know what happened. I think annie told them what I said to her today and she probably told them not to send me hate. Annie still loves me and I still love her but we just aren't together. I can't even have her as a best friend and that's the way we started our friendship as. It's tough. I got on my phone and recorded part of my face and my wrist then stopped recording. I captioned it '💔💔💔' then posted it to my story. Yah. I'm definitely depressed now💔.

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