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~Jayden pov

Me and Annie are still at her dad's house. Landon and Hayley are together and we're all downstairs and me and Annie are vlogging today. I'm sitting on the couch I'm wearing my blue champion hoodie and black basketball shorts with my white socks and my wet hair is brushed out and parted in the middle. I have in my diamond ear rings. Annie's wearing a black tub top and grey sweatpants with black socks. She has her wet hair down and brushed out too. I'm on the floor playing with piper with Hayley and landon because annie just went upstairs for something so I don't really have anything to do. Billy's in the kitchen making breakfast.

"billy what are you making?" I asked him

"bacon, eggs, and oatmeal" he said while cooking

"can i get some bacon?" I asked him with a smile. He chuckled

"sure" he said with a slight smile. I got my lil happy ass up and went and got bacon then went back and sat down with piper. Piper was trying to eat my bacon so I shoved it in my mouth.

"you can't have this it's mine" I said while chewing it. I swallowed it then I saw annie come downstairs and she was recording me and had something behind her back.

"Jayden guess what we're doing today?" She asked with a smile. I started smiling.

"what?" I asked. She showed me what was behind her back and my smile faded. It was that fucking vibrating toy i used on her🤦🏼‍♀️.

"babe please not today" I said while she giggled at me

"you have to you did it to me so it's your turn" she said with a smile

"babe please😩" I whined

"Jayden you have to do it" she said with a smile

"for the whole day?" I asked with a concerned look on my face

"yes" she said. I smacked my lips. She giggled. I stood up.

"fine I'll do it" I said with an attitude then took it

"i love you" she said with a smile

"you're buying me food" I said with an attitude

"okay tell me you love me back😩" she whined

"I'm mad at you" I said with an attitude

"babe say it😩" she whined

"..i love you" I mumbled then she smiled. I went upstairs to her room and started getting it on. I put it on then came back downstairs to her. She put the camera on me.

"can we go now" I asked her

"can we what?" She asked

"i said can we go" I said. She turned on the vibration and I grabbed my pussy and bit my lip.

"stoooooppp" I said. I'm trying so hard not to moan right now. I'm like very sensitive on my pussy when a vibrator is on it. I would bust a nut in 10 seconds you don't understand.

"Annie sto-stop" I said then moaned softly

"I call shots today so don't ask and tell me what we're doing today I'm telling you what we're doing" she said

"okayyyy just stoppp😩" I whined. She turned it off. Long story short we went to the store then came back here to drop off the food then we left to go hangout with some of Annie's la friends for like 5 hours and then it was 6:46pm so then annie finally let me go do something with my friends so I called up Jacob and Conner and we went to the basketball court and Annie was with us she had anna with her. Her and anna were watching us play and while I was playing she kept turning on the vibration so I was getting pissed like REALLY pissed but I stayed quiet for a few minutes until she made me get really upset so I started arguing with her at the basketball court and everyone in there was just sitting there watching us and listening. Conner and Jacob kept trying to stop us from arguing but I didn't stop I was dead ass about to put my hands on her. I wanted to fight her. That's how mad I was. So after I stopped yelling I just wanted to go home and not talk to her. I don't even care if I don't talk to her. I have a flight home in 2 hours and I'm in Annie's car right now. She's taking me home and she has Billie Eilish the one song that's on right now is her song called 'I love you' and it just came on. She turned it down a little.

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