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~Jayden pov

It's 12:03pm and me and annie haven't done anything at all. We did do our morning routine and then we got back in bed and I played Fortnite on her tv while she was cleaning her room. So now we're here just bored laying down on her bed.

"you wanna go out?" I asked her

"just us two?" She asked

"yah of course just us" I said

"okay where?" She asked

"ummm..the mall?" I suggested

"are you gonna buy me something or are we just gonna walk around?" She asked

"we can go to the mall and then go to city walk then to a movie then back home. That should keep us busy all day." I said

"okay that sounds great to me" she said

"i have to be back at Carson's apartment at 8 so we're gonna have a short day" I said

"ohhh yah i forgot it's Sunday and I'm not gonna see you til Thursday" she said

"it's okay we can FaceTime" I said

"it's not the same though😩" she whined

"but you always say that" I said

"i say it to make you feel better it doesn't work on me" she said

"umm...I'll see you soon?" I said unsurely. She groaned while rolling onto her stomach. I sat up in bed

"babe look I'm still here now I'm not gone yet" I said

"but you will be in 8 hours" she said into the pillow

"what'll make you feel better?" I asked her. She rolled onto her back again and looked me in the eyes.

"make me pregnant" she said

"anything but that" I said

"Jayden please just please give me one😩" she whined. She grabbed my hand and put it on her pussy from the outside of her shorts.

"no baby" I said. The door opened and I quickly moved my hand off of her pussy. We both looked and it was Hayley.

"hey, sorry, i just wanted to let you know that dad's at the store so if your going anywhere you're going to have to take me" Hayley said. Landon came in too.

"and Landon" Landon said

"and landon" Hayley said

"why did dad have to leave right now?😩" Annie whined

"guys um me and annie have plans for only us do you think you can stay here or go over to someone else's house while we're gone" I said to them

"oh you really wanna trust us home alone?" Landon asked with a slight smile

"no they can't stay home alone" Annie said

"why not?" I asked

"..they might be fucking" Annie said

"damn right😏" Landon said with a smirk

"but i told him i don't wanna do that until I'm 16" Hayley said

"until you're married you mean" me and annie said at the same time

"that's not even fair how come you and annie can do the nasty right now but we can't" Landon asked

"we can't get pregnant dumbass" Annie said

"but y'all have fucked dudes before at 15 and 16" Hayley said

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