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~annie pov

Last night was crazy. Jayden and I were talking in her room at her dads house. And she opened up to me again. I feel connected to her again. I told her stuff she told me stuff. Then her dad came home. And everything went down drain. Her came in her room when we were talking about stuff and he told her about the weed that he found in the kitchen from Wednesday night and he was mad at us but mainly Jayden. Jayden got mad because she doesn't like it when people tell her what and what not to do. She wants to do what she wants. So she flipped out on her dad. I tried to calm her down but that didn't work. She just got more mad. Her dad knows she has panic attacks but he didn't know that stress and anger cause them. So he just kept pushing her and shit until she lost it. Long story short jayden started literally fighting her dad. Chasing him with fucking silverware and then she threw a chair off the railing of the stairs and it almost hit him. He called the police on her but he didn't even know this whole time she was having a panic attack she was crying, screaming, shaking, she couldn't breathe. She fainted like right after he called the police. The police came and he basically just spoke with us. Me and Jayden. He was helping calm her down. He gave her water and a towel and stuff. Jayden's dad actually let her leave because he was scared of her. So she got her stuff and we got a ride back to Jayden's moms house in a police car which was cool. She's been in these like a lot according to her🙄😂. We got there last night then just went to sleep. So I think that Jayden won't be seeing him for awhile. She didn't want to be with him anyways cuz he was doing too much. I like Jayden's mom better. So now we're at school and Jayden's okay. We're in Spanish class working together again. Practicing Spanish words. I'm wearing Jayden's gray sweatpants and a white crop top tank top and white Air Force 1s. I didn't want to wear a jacket but Jayden forced me to. She told me to wear her white champion hoodie. But I'm hot so she's letting me not wear it right now. Jayden looked over at me with a smirk. She licked her lips.

"te ves tan sexy Bebe😏" she said with a smirk. I smiled

"y te ves super caliente" I said then licked my lips. She looked at my lips then my eyes.

"beso de identificación vete a la mierda🤤" she said

"do it then" I said with a smile. She grabbed my cheek and then kissed my lips. I deepened it then we started making out until she pulled away. We were only 3 seconds in the make out.

"stop it😊" she said while blushing. I smirked at her.

"why are you so cute😏" I said with a smirk

"you so horny all the time😊" she said while blushing

"call me daddy again and see what happens" I said with a slight smile. She kissed me. We looked each other in the eyes just smiling at each other again like idiots🥰💛.

"Awwwwwh y'all are so cute" some girl from behind us said. I looked at her. It was This one girl I knew in like middle school I forgot her name.

"thanks" I said with a smile. I felt Jayden grab my shirt and play with it. She was just looking at me still smiling. She's so in love with me😍💛. I'm in love with her💛. I pulled out my phone. I went to Instagram and did a boomerang with Jayden kissing my cheek. I captioned it 'school tingz💞' then posted it. Her eye is better. It's kinda blue but it's not super noticeable. Her lip has been better ever since Wednesday. She's doing okay. That's my baby. She's a strong person. By the way Jayden's wearing this outfit with her hair in a messy bun.

 By the way Jayden's wearing this outfit with her hair in a messy bun

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~Jayden Pov

I really just want to be under annie all day. I wanna be cuddled with. I wanna be kissed. I wanna hear her say my name. I just want her. And only her😩💛. I'm in lunch with her right now. We're sitting with my group of friends and annie has her arm around my shoulders. I'm laying in her arms. Drifting to sleep. She smells so good it's putting me to sleep🤤.

~annie pov

I'm talking to Jayden's friend. Zane is sitting on the other side of Jayden. They were talking for like like 5 minutes but then 5 minutes passed and she's not talking and he's not looking at her anymore. I looked at Zane.

"is she sleep?" I asked him. He looked at her.

"yeah" he said with a smile

"awww😩💛" I whined. I kissed her forehead.

"Jayden's sleep?" Dev asked

"yup" I said. Zane took her phone out her pocket then started going through it.

"what are you doing?" I asked him

"going to her Instagram to spam up her story" he said with a smile

"see if she got hoes in there too" I said

"bet" Zane said

"you already know she do" kianna said

"how come Zane knows her password but annie doesn't?" Pyrm asked

"She don't want annie seeing her hoes" Lauren said

"yeah that's most likely why. And because if I find them I'll beat their ass." I said

"Annie you protective over Jayden" Kenzie said

"who wouldn't be look at her" I said then we all looked at her.

"she's so precious when she's sleeping😩" Sophia whined

"key words when she's sleeping" Lauren said then we started laughing.

"Annie look Josie is all up in her dms" Zane said while showing me. I read the messages. THE FUCK NUDES?

"did she really just ask Jayden for nudes?" I asked trying to calm down.

"josies freaky she likes that dirty shit" dev said

"did she send her anything?" I asked Zane

"no Jayden kept telling her no and she even brought you up" Zane said while reading the messages.

"why the fuck was Jayden texting her back in the first place?" I asked raising my voice a little

"freaky Jayden in the cut" Zane said

"it's a scary sight" kianna said then they started laughing. Zane turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket. Ima beat her ass when she wakes up.

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