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~annie pov

I saw what the live with Jayden and dev. It broke my heart a lot. How could she move on that fast😩. They dead ass made out on the live and didn't fucking care about who would see it. And Lauren kept saying that they should date and that they like each other. Devenity kissed my bab...Jayden's lips. Those are still mine😩 and her pussy is still mine😩. I want her back now like I don't fucking care she can be childish all she wants I'm just gonna beat her up. Tonight she has a volleyball game and I'm gonna stay after school so I can talk to her. Possibly just kiss her so she'll stop thinking she likes dev or whoever😒. I want her to go on tour with me this weekend I don't want her fucking bitches while I'm gone. I have one more thing to say ummm. Me and Zoe fuck last night and we've been posting updates leading up to us hooking up people know we did but they didn't see a video of us fucking unlike JAYDEN AND DEV🙄. Yah and Zoe even tweeted it saying we did. Jayden came at her but then she was like we aren't even together anyways. THAT DOESNT EVEN SOUND LIKE MY BABY. My baby goes off on bitches or dude who try to fuck with me or fuck me. She hated Asher for fucking me, she was mad at will for a while, she thought me and Christian had a thing, and when I told her about me Riley hooking up she lost it. It's fine I'm gonna get her back. I'm in the studio with chase and Conner. We're talking about Jayden.

"so lemme get this straight. So you like Jayden now and you want her back?" Conner asked looking confused

"yes" I said

"bullshit" chase said. I scrunched my eyebrows at him.

"hush chase. Annie if you can get her by tonight that's great but if she does do some dumb shit again and y'all break up or whatever don't get back with her" Conner said

"we love Jayden but sometimes she thinks that she can have one person forever and 25 side hoes to fuck without you knowing" chase said. Wait.

"she has 25 hoes?" I asked

"no...maybe...no" chase said. I looked at Conner.

"don't look at me I don't even know" Conner said. Guess 25 people finna die😒.

~Jayden pov

I'm in practice and every chance or break we get dev kisses me. In front of the whole squad and they just smile awkwardly at us then laugh. It is awkward because we aren't dating but I love how soft her lips are. Annie's are soft too but like devs are like kissing a cloud😍. After the live she ended up giving 2 hickeys on my neck and I gave her 3. I know annie and Zoe fucked. That shit pissed me off😒. That's still mines I don't what anyone has to say JULIANNA GRACE LEBLANC IS MY PROPERTY because we're getting married one day💍💛. I miss her so much😩. I wanna ride her dick for some reason I just like how sexy she is when I ride her dick🤤. She'd say something cute and then tell me I'm perfect and that shit makes me blush😊. I gave this girl my heart and she still has it💛. I just want hers back😩💛. She might be mad at me because of the live. But I'll fix it soon. We're walking back to the locker room. We have A day classes so I'll see annie 3rd period and at lunch. We go to lunch together on a days. I walked inside the locker room and went to my locker. I got my stuff out my locker and started getting changed. Once I had on my pants and shoes I started putting on my shirt but then dev came. I'm shirtless right now.

"we have 4th period today do you have my homework?" Dev asked

"yah it's in my locker you can get it" I said sweetly. She smiled at my lips then kissed my lips. She got her paper out my locker while I put on my shirt.

"thanks for holding it for me" she said

"no problem" I said. She walked away. I have to tell her how I actually feel. I feel like she likes me a little too much now. I don't want a relationship with her. I wanna be with annie😩. I sighed.

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