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~jayden pov

I woke up and i feel really weird. I dont know. I'll just shake it off by getting in the shower. I grabbed some clothes then went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower. I hoped in the shower.

20 minutes later...

I got out and got dressed. I'm wearing this outfit without the shirt and instead a white tank top and my small gold chain.

 I'm wearing this outfit without the shirt and instead a white tank top and my small gold chain

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Its 9:03 in the morning. I brushed my hair out then conditioned it and put it in a messy bun. I brushed my teeth and then washed my face. After that i grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I need to get this feeling off of me. I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking breakfast and carson sitting on the couch playing a game with his headphones half way on. I walked over to my mom and she looked at me.

"hey baby❤" she said

"hey mom..can i go for a run i feel weird" I said softly

"what do you mean weird?" She asked

"like this..pressure is on my chest" I said softly

"well i told you i can't let you go anywhere without carson ask him if he can go run with you" she said

"mom he's playing a game😩" I whined.

"well then I'm sorry you can't go, I dont want you to get hurt jayden someone has to be with you at all times" she said then kissed my forehead. I started hyperventilating. My mom dropped the spatula and her face was flushed.

"ja-jayden its okay everything will be fine calm down" she said calmly. I started shaking and now I'm freaking out because I'm shaking😩.

"mom! I'm gonna die!" I shouted. I started crying really hard I'm scared😭.

"jayden cmon" she said. She grabbed my shaky hand and took me to the couch and set me down next to carson.

~carson pov

I wasn't even paying attention to anyone until I saw jayden next to me shaking, crying, and hyperventilating. My heart dropped to my ass ive never seen her have a panic attack before😳. I took off my headphones quick as fuck and put them around my neck. I dropped the controller and gave jayden all my attention.

"my whats going on?!" I shouted while looking at jayden

"she's having a panic attack the best thing to do is to act calm or she'll freak out more and if she freaks out more she could pass out" my mom said. I pulled out my phone.

"do we call 911? What do we do?" I asked my mom. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"dont call 911 she'll be fine she just need to-" mom said until jayden said.

"I CANT BREATHE" she yelled. I'm freaking out now!


"I KNOW SHE CANT BREATHE" my mom yelled at me. She pulled out her phone.

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