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~annie pov

I woke up to seeing jayden ontop of me asleep. Awwwhh my heartt😩💛. I kissed her forehead and played with her hair while saying softly to her.

"jay jay its time to wake up love" I said softly. She groaned and moved a little. She picked up her head and opened her eyes a little.

"its time for school babe" I said. She got off of me and then stretched then rubbed her eyes. She looked at me and bit her bottom lip.

"where's your shirt?" She asked me while looking at my boobs. I had on a bra.

"we had sex last night..again" I said. She licked her lips and smiled.

"how wet were you?" She asked while smiling. I blushed. I mean if you could see her sexy ass you would blush too😩😍🤤.

"super😊" I said while blushing.

"i did well then" she said while smiling.


~draco pov


"no i love you more baby❤" I said while smiling at her.

"i love you way more❤" daniella said while smiling at me.

"not even possible" I said

"is possible baby" she said

"nah i doubt it" I said. She chuckled softly. I smiled at how cute she is.

"you're so dumb draco" she said while smiling.

"and you're so beautiful" I said while smiling. Annie came in the room. She put her bag down.

"hey" annie said

"wassup" I said

"are you on the phone with daniella?" Annie asked. I nodded.

"oh okay" annie said

"babe I'll call you back later i dont wanna interrupt you guys's work time" daniella said

"alright i love you" I said

"i love you too" daniella said

End of facetime

Annie clasped on the couch and got straight on her phone. We're wearing these outfits.

 We're wearing these outfits

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