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~annie pov

That's it. I'm killing whoever did that to Jayden. WHO THE FUCK PUT THEIR HANDS ON MY BABY LIKE THAT🤬. They're dead. That's it. It's finally. My baby was crying to me last night about what her coach told her. She said that her coach won't let her play in the game tonight. My poor baby😩. She was crying so much last night. She cried on her live. She cried in her coaches office. She was a reck yesterday. So tonight when I get to see her I'm going to spoil the fuck outta her and give her all my attention. We're gonna do what she wants. And then Thursday at school I'm gonna hunt that hoe down and KILL HER ASS. who the fuck does she think she is to hit my baby like that over a ex boyfriend. She crazier than me. I thought I was crazy. Anyways today I'm not really doing anything me and Draco are cleaning the villa up a little for a party but before the party we're going out for food and shit so the party can be lit. Right now we're leaving the studio we just dropped a new song. Come together is out now. Today is going to be fun.

~Jayden pov

Since coach wants to be a bitch I'm going to be walking around with girls in the hallway. I'm with Brianna. Just talking. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened and part in the middle.

 I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened and part in the middle

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"so what do you like to do?" I asked Brianna

"I like playing softball" she said with a smile

"I used to play that when I was like 8" I said

"it's fun to play I enjoy it a lot" she said

"yeah it's fun" I said. Brianna looked at my eye.

"your eye looks bad. Worse than yesterday" she said

"that's because it's getting darker" I said

"you should put some makeup over that" she said

"I don't have makeup" I said

"oh right. You're naturally beautiful." Bri said with a smile. I started smiling and she giggled which made me chuckle.

"quite the flirt you are huh" I said with a slight smile

"ehh I try" she said with a smile

"you're really pretty I wish I had your genes" I said

"oh no you don't. We need studs like you around here. Y'all be so hot." She said with a smile

"studs know how to fuck a bitch in all kinds of ways. We creative." I said with a slight smile.

"you an annie be fucking a lot huh?" She asked

"kinda. We like to talk and chill. Most of the time only sometimes we like being freaky but we can't be all the time because someone's always around." I said

"I feel ya. When I had a girlfriend we barely would fuck cuz someone was always there or there was a problem" she said

"you date studs or fems?" I asked

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