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Monday - December 1st🎄☃️🌨

~Jayden pov

I'm now at my dad's house for the week. It's not terrible but I dislike it already. My dad has a new woman over at his house every night. He had a woman here last night and he just told me a woman is gonna be here tonight too. I'm honestly tired of this shit already. He doesn't cook dinner he orders it from a fast food restaurant. And it's not even a healthy one at least mom got me healthy food to eat for dinner. He won't let me smoke or bring people over. And the worse part he doesn't even pay attention to me. I tried to play a game with him last night. A father daughter game. Since we haven't seen each other in a while. He said 'Jayden I don't have time for that right now I have to do other things' okay well FUCK YOU TOO🙄. I'm at school now in the gym practicing for our volleyball game on Wednesday. I miss my mommy😩. I wanna go home to my mommy😩. I hate my dads house.

~annie pov

I'm in the studio right now working on music again. We're not writing today we're listening to our songs we recorded. After this we have a meeting then we have to go shopping for some photo shoot today.

"the track sounds good" Draco said

"yeah it sounds great" I said

"today won't be long right?" Draco asked mr j and Martin

"yeah cuz I have a FaceTime call appointment with my baby at 6 through 12 am" I said

"no it won't be long only til 4 or 5 pm" Martin said

"okay time for our meeting" mr j said while standing up. Me and Draco started walking to the door while mr j and Martin followed behind us.

"Draco so you're going to be a dad?" I asked

"yes I am" he said

"how you feel about it?" I asked with a slight smile

"I feel happy about it" he said with a slight smile

"do you want a boy or girl?" I asked

"a boy but if I have a girl she'd be spoiled as fuck" he said with a smile

"just so you know I'm that baby's aunt" I said. He giggled.

"yeah igh. What about you and Jayden's baby?" He asked with a smile

"we don't have a baby" I said with a smile

"y'all want one don't you?" He asked with a smile

"I want one and Jayden said she wants one now but I think I just have baby fever so I'm not going to get pregnant right now" I said

"Jayden would be a funny parent to be honest she'd be that type of parent who would make the baby laugh just by staring at it or dancing" he said with a smile. I giggled.

"she goofy of course she'd make the baby laugh" I said with a smile

"I miss my baby momma" he said

"I miss my babygirl😩" I whined

"we should go out on a double date again with Jayden and Daniella" he said

"that's a bet" I said

~Jayden pov


I'm outside the cafeteria with Zane. We're sitting on the floor. I'm in my moody days. Also known as my period started. It started last night. I've been cramping so badly😩. My dumb dad didn't have a heating pad or pain medication. So I was dying for about 3 hours until my mom showed up with it and I've never been so happy in my life when she showed up I felt loved. I literally did not let go of her once she came in the house. My dad knew she was there but he's not allowed to speak to her. Anyways I'm wearing gray sweatpants and white Air Force 1's with one of Annie's jackets I stole from her. It's a gray zip up jacket. I have it unzipped and I have a white t shirt under it. I'm out of dress code again. But I don't care. I have my hair up in a messy bun and a white nike headband on. My diamond ear rings are in. Zane bought me hot Cheetos and a water. That's all I wanted. And we're talking about my problems. This girl came out the cafeteria with Duce Lauren's boyfriend they look like this.

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