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~Jayden pov

"Jayden can you go get the ball?" Kianna asked me

"yah" I said. I went and got the ball and gave it to her. Devenity put her arm around my shoulders.

"i feel so bad for you jayden😩" dev whined

"bro look at her wrist" Lauren said. They all looked at it.

"have y'all not seen her story?" Pyrm asked them

"we all have. I can't believe a girl makes you lose your mind." Kianna said

"she's not just a girl kianna. She's special😞" I said looking sad

"I've been through what Jayden's going through. It's depressing as fuck but she's gonna get over it. I was suicidal like her when I dated geo" pyrm said

"Jayden get over her. You have dev right here." Lauren said then started smiling

"excuse you?!" Dev shouted

"well isn't annie fucking with Zoe now?" Sophia said

"she's fucking with zoe!?" I shouted

"it was on social mediaaaa" Kenzie said

"gimme a phone now" I said in a serious tone. Lauren gave me hers. I looked at the post. It was a video of Zoe and annie at some food place and that was it. I gave lauren her phone back.

"that's it. I'm killing Zoe." I said in a serious tone.

"you can't fucking kill her you'll go to jail" pyrm said

"so" I said

"you're not killing anyone so forget about it" Lauren said

"bitch if you wanna fight her again I'm in" kianna said

"let's all go fight her" Sophia said

"I'm down" Kenzie said

"me too" dev said

"we can't fight her here we'll get in trouble" I said

"Jayden just date dev y'all are cute" Lauren said with a smile

"stop Lauren" me and dev said in a serious tone. They giggled besides me and dev.

"how about Jayden dates Sophia again" dev said

"she's just gonna leave me once annie comes back to her, that's why she doesn't need to fuck with anyone" Sophia said with a smile

"Sophia is adorable but we don't get along because Joey is a tease to us" I said

"my mom likes you still" Sophia said

"oh yah?" I said

"yah" Sophia said with a smile

"how abouttt Jayden dates Kenzie" pyrm said with a smile

"bitch I'm straight ion go that way" Kenzie said

"Kenzie thick but she too bossy" I said with a smile

"Jayden date kianna" dev said with a smile. Kianna had a dead serious while looking at dev which made us all laugh.

"i gotta boyfriend stop playing" kianna said with a serious face

"Kianna homie that's it best friend too" I said with a slight smile

"okay well the only one that fits is dev and Jayden" Lauren said with a smile

"if you say that one more time ima knock yo head off yo shoulders" dev said in a serious tone.

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