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~william pov

"its fine if you wanna break up, I'll understand im not gonna fight for you if you dont feel the same" I said. She nodded.

"im really sorry i cheated" annie said

"its fine...now go have fun in Hollywood I'll catch you later" I said. She gave me a firm smile then I smiled back. She left the hotel lobby.

~annie pov

I got in the uber with draco and were on our way to the studio again. One more day and we go back home. Woohoo! Tomorrow we actually leave. Saturday night. I really miss everyone back there.

6 hours later..

We laughed.

"no, no put the card down right there" christian said while smiling

"christian i can't" i said while smiling

"yes you can, try" he said. I tried to balance the card on my nose and i did it.

"i did it!" I said excitedly

"see i told you you could do it" he said while smiling. We high fived.

"you're a lot of fun to be around" I said

"eh i try" he said. We laughed.

"i want you to be my boy best friend, give me your number" I said. I handed him my phone and he put his number in it.

"we gon link while you gone in la" he asked

"well im in los vegas right now i dont live here so probably not but you can try" I said. He nodded.

"you wanna be in the vlog" I asked him

"sure" he said. I started recording on my phone.

"hey guys whats up its me annie here with" I said. Christian got in the camera.

"christian" he said with a smile

"and you know we're chilling playing cards, im going back home tomorrow night its Friday so im looking forward to that" I said

"shes gonna miss me when she's gone I know for sure" he said

"yah ima miss chris💝" i said while hugging him.

"but we'll meet again soon, that's the update guys" I said then stopped recording. I sent the footage to my dad.

"im finna go out with some friends to do a little youtube video, you wanna join?" Christian asked

"sure im down, what are you gonna be doing?" I asked. He stood up and grabbed his phone.

"making awkward scenes in target" he said

"you're bad" i said. He smirked a little and chuckled.

"nah not really" he said. I stood up and we walked out the room. We got outside the capital and we got in Greg's car. I texted draco saying hey i left with christian and the guys to do a youtube video, ill be back in about 2 hours and he replied 10 minutes later saying igh be safe🙄❤ and i replied i will❤ . We arrived at target in just 10 minutes. We got out the car and we played around in target for 20 minutes before getting kicked out because Christian went to the intercom. We walked to walmart and continued there. We got kicked out again 25 minutes later because carson was putting things in people's carts. It was funny tho. We walked to Greg's car and we got in. He drove us to get ice cream then he took us back to the studio. It had been almost 2 hours so i didnt lie to draco. We went back inside the studio and i saw draco talking to william on the couch. Bruh.

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