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~Jayden pov

I woke up swore in my pussy. Then I remember that annie fucked my last night in her car. I went on Instagram and everyone has screen recorded my live and posted it and the fans said 'Jayden's hot as fuck when she's horny must be nice annie, but you gonna have to share🥵' on the tea page they even posted it and was like 'this is the hottest couple I've ever seen🥵' and under their post was people saying stuff like they agree and how sexy I am and how lucky annie is and how calm annie acts around me when I'm horny😂. Annie isn't calm when I'm horny she's just trying to not fuck me as much as I want to be fucked😂. If she was super freaky she would fuck me before I even ask her to😂. She's still super cute and has my whole heart🥰. She's adorable bro😩😍. I love the way she treats me she treats me like she cares about me and I know she cares. I miss my baby girl😩🥺. I got out of bed and went into my bathroom and got in the shower.

15 minutes later...

I got out and got dressed. I brushed my teeth then washed my face then went back into my room. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened and parted in the middle.

 I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened and parted in the middle

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I went downstairs and saw Carson and my mom making breakfast. Dev, kianna, and Lauren are at Johnny's house. They slept over there because nobody was home. I'm trying to hangout with them today. I hopped up on the counter and got on my phone. I watched Annie's Instagram story she was posting her and Lilia and Anna together then she posted a video of us together, that videos funny😂. I was making her mad and she tried to hit me but she hit herself instead then i said 'you a headass' and then we started laughing. She captioned that video 'i miss u🥺💛' then she posted a video of herself in the mirror and she looked FINE AS HELL so I slid up and said 'lemme get yo numba🤤🤤🤤' then continued on through her story. The rest of it was just updates on tour. I went to my page and posted a video of me and Zane. Today's his 18th birthday. Must be fucking nice to be 18🙄. I captioned it 'happy birthday zaniac brainiac! I miss u and love u so much❤️ I wish i could spend today with u🥺 but I'll see u soon! Thank you for being the best guy friend I've ever had😂 u definitely are so funny and u care about me so much and i don't deserve u😩 ur now promoted to my guy best friend😂❤️' then I posted it to my story. I posted a picture of us at a football game. We were in the bleachers and we both had on hoodies because it was cold and we both put on our hoods then we took this silly selfie of us😂. I was like 😛✌🏼 and he was like 😗. That day was funny as hell😂😂😂. Yah anyways I posted that with the caption 'happy 18th big bro🤪❤️' I turned off my phone.

"im going to Johnnys I'll be back later" I said while getting off the counter.

"okay be safe" my mom said with a smile

"be back by 5" Carson said

"it's literally 3 right now I'll be back by like 7 because annie will be ready to come over" I said

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