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~jayden pov

I'm at school in the locker room. I just finished practicing we have a game tomorrow after school so coach kinda told me i have to instead of giving me an extra day to rest. I changed out of my volleyball uniform and into my outfit for the day. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair in a messy bun.

I walked out the locker room and started walking to 2nd period

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I walked out the locker room and started walking to 2nd period.

Spanish 3rd period

~jayden pov

I'm in Spanish class doing my paper work when my phone flashed. I picked it up and saw that my dad texted me. He said I'm so sorry jayden i have work all day today maybe another time sweet pea? Why the fuck does he always find something else to do so he wont have to spend time with me😟😡 I replied just forget it I turned off my phone and put my head down on my desk. I wanna cry but at the same time i wanna fight someone and get in trouble for it. Jayden just relax go to sleep or something. Sleep it off. I closed my eyes and then drifted off to sleep.

~annie pov

I just finished school and now I'm walking downstairs. I'm leaving with draco we have to record our new song together before i leave tonight. Hayley's on the couch cuddling landon. Most people think me and landon have a thing. No. Its not like that hayley and landon have a crush on each other. They arent dating yet they're in the talking stage. Even if they did start dating i wouldn't have a problem with it because landon's a really nice and sweet boy. Plus he's 16 and hayley will be 15 in a month. I'm turning 17 on Saturday and I can't wait 🤣. Anyways I'm downstairs now I walked into the livingroom and hay and landon looked at me.

"while I'm gone hands to yourselves you hear me?" I said in a serious tone

"I'm not gonna do anything" landon said

"can we just go with you?" Hayley asked

"sure you might as well since mom and dad aren't here, lets go" I said. They got up off the couch and followed behind me out the house. While they walked to draco's car i locked the house door then walked to draco's car and got in.

"i didnt know we were taking children with us today" draco said to me

"my parents arent home so they have to come with us" I said to him. He looked in the back seat at them.

"seat belts on?" He asked them

"yes" hayley and landon said. Draco looked at me. We started smiling at each other then he started driving. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened.

 I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened

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