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Wednesday - December 17th🤪☃️

~Jayden pov

I'm warming up for practice stretching on the bench while everyone else is on the floor and getting water. I'm rolling my ankles getting ready. The gym door opened and it was Harvey and Diego. They came over to me.

"hey Jayden" Diego said with a smile

"hey Jayden" Harvey said to me with a smile

"hi? Why you guys here?" I asked

"I tired to stop him" Diego said then Harvey bumped into him signaling for him to go away and he did.

"so I heard Annie's going on tour for Christmas break" he said

"she is" I said

"what are you doing for break?" He asked me

"probably going to Ohio with my dad all break or if I can find a way to not go I'll be with annie all break on tour" I said then smiled

"oh" he said disappointedly

"yeah" I said

"she doesn't want you Harvey" Diego said. We looked at him and he looked at us.

"I didn't say that" Diego said in a deeper voice

"I love you Diego❤️" I said with a smile. He smiled at me.

"I love you too❤️" he said with a smile

"I didn't bring you to flirt with Jayden dude" Harvey said

"What!" me and Diego shouted at the same time

"I'm gay!" Diego shouted while I shouted "I don't like you!" What did he just say?😳

"wait what!?" Me and Diego shouted again

"hold up you're gay?" I asked Diego

"you don't like Harvey?" Diego asked me

"fuck no" I said to him while scrunching my eyebrows

"fuck yeah" Diego said with raising his eyebrows.

"awww you're gay🥺❤️" I said with a smile but I'm feeling the feeling of adoring him more🥰.

"aww you don't like Harvey that's awesome" Diego said while coming over to me. He hugged me and I hugged him back. We broke the hug.

"that's so cute that you're gay. Just like me!😂" I said then started laughing and he did too.

"gay besties?" He asked with a smile

"yes gay besties for life❤️🤣" I said with a smile. We looked at Harvey.

"Harvey I don't like you like that...I admit I had feelings for you HAD not HAVE HAD. I've been getting the pussy lately and I love it so I don't like you no more. I'm sorry we can always be friends" I said to him. He sighed.

"..yeah we can be friends..I don't wanna lose you in my life❤️" he said softly. He smiled and I did too. We hugged then we broke the hug. I hugged Diego and he hugged me back.

"you wanna hangout after school?" Diego asked while breaking the hug.

"definitely. Come over. Annie's gonna be leaving at 8 but you can still come before then." I said with a smile. He smiled.

"bet I'll be there" he said then him and Harvey left.

"awww Jayden you don't have your boyfriend anymore" Kianna said. I looked at her with a serious face and they all started laughing.

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