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~jayden pov

"did you solve the problem with kayla yet?" Kianna asked while passing me the ball.

"not yet but i know what im gonna do" I said

"good. You better tell her before she rapes you like ms Martinez did to you." Kianna said. I raised one eyebrow.

"she aint gone lay a finger on me and she fasho can't take advantage of me shes a freshman dawg cmon now" I said

"that dont mean nothing jayden, ms Martinez was only 19 and she did that to you" kianna said

"ms Martinez was..a pedophile, if i have sex with kayla id be a pedophile too" I said

"nah because you're not 18 yet but still dont do anything with her you're with annie 7 months strong bro" kianna said. I nodded. The team came over to us.

"let's go get dressed for 2nd period" Dev said. We all left and went to the locker room.

13 minutes later...

"jayden, here's your phone" lauren said with a smile while walking over to me and giving it to me. I took it.

"thanks laur" I said

"no problem" she said with a smile. I grabbed my backpack and got out my airpods then closed my backpack. I put it in my locker then slowly looked back at lauren. Why is she still here?

"why are you still here?" I asked

"because i wanna know the tea on kayla" she said

"theres no tea" I said

"jayden i know it is" she said. I sighed and closed my locker.

"kayla likes me a lot and i dont like her at all, are we done here?" I said

"nope, i got one more question" she said while I put on my backpack.

"whats up bro make it fast" I said while sitting down on the bench.

"do you know who her brother is?" She asked while smiling.

"no..why?" I asked looking confused.

~annie pov

"i want you to do a song with zach" sam said to draco

"zach clayton?" He asked

"yes" sam said

"oh okay bet" he said

"annie are you and john done with your song yet?" Sam asked

"yup" I said

"let me see the lyrics" sam said. I pulled out the song book and then turned to the page the lyrics are on then gave it to him. He started reading them. My phone dinged. I picked it up and it was Hayley. She said mom and dad wont be tonight so you dont have to sneak her in i gotchu sis I smiled at my phone then sent thanks i love you so much I turned off my phone. Jayden's coming to la tonight because her brother got his apartment now and her mom wants to visit it for the weekend. Jayden has the choice to go with them to la or to stay home with her dad and step brothers but of course she's gonna come to la to see me her sexy ass baby😏💛💍. She know she misses me more than I miss her😌💛.

"i like it" sam said. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"huh?" I asked

"the lyrics, they're great, I'll call zach and john up right now you guys can relax for a little" sam said. We nodded. Sam grabbed his phone and started calling them. Draco sat down next to me.

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