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~annie pov

"louis lanes wants to do a collab with me" I said to draco. He spit out his water and started choking.

"you good?" I asked him. He started to calm down.

"ye-yeah im fine...WHAT" he yelled

"he wants to do a collab with me and i dont know what to do because he's kinda cute and anna likes him and i dont want him to ruin me and anna's friendship-" I said until he cut me off

"just tell him you have a girlfriend and im sure he knows that already cuz yall are known on Instagram" he said

"you're right" i said

"as for that collab you need to not do a love song because he gets touchy feely when he does those songs with females" he said while getting up and walking over to the computer. He turned it on.

"what are we supposed to write a song about then?" I asked

"i dont know a sad song maybe" he said. I hit him.

"okay seriously stop hitting me" he said. I giggled.

"you need to stay away from him because in my opinion jayden's fucking way finer than that nigga no homo" he said

"duh my baby fine" I said while smiling

"she fine as fuck" he said

"draco" i said in a serious tone. He laughed.

"im just kidding😂" he said while laughing. He pulled up this song instrumental. It gave off sad depression vibes and i didnt like it. At all.

"draco turn that shit off" I said then paused it. He smacked his lips.

"its either this or rap" he said

"i can't rap and im not finna sing a song thatll make me look depressed im very happy and healthy right now" I said

"well how about we do this" he said


~jayden pov

I'm with the team but we're not in uniform we're chilling today because coach is letting us. I'm wearing this outfit.

I'm playing basketball with kianna pyrm and sophia

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I'm playing basketball with kianna pyrm and sophia. We're playing 2 vs 2. I took off my shirt and i had on a white tank top under it as usual cuz i get hot. My partners Sophia because shes good at it like me cuz i taught her how to play. Pyrms with kianna trash ass😂. We started playing and kianna was already cheating. You can't hold the ball and run with it🙄😂.

"KIANNA" i yelled and we all laughed.

"WHAT😂" she yelled back while laughing

"its sophia's ball now" I said. Kianna walked over to sophia and bucked at her and then gave her the ball and then sophia bucked at her and she ran. Me and pyrm started laughing our asses off😂😂😂. They ugly as fuckkk😂. We started playing again.

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