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~annie pov

We're walking inside the school right now. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened.

Jayden's wearing this outfit with her hair in a messy bun

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Jayden's wearing this outfit with her hair in a messy bun.

"brings me back to old days" I said with a smile while looking around the hall at everyone and walking

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"brings me back to old days" I said with a smile while looking around the hall at everyone and walking.

"what old days?" She asked

"all our memories i mean..look you remember this is the locker i put you against when you made me upset" I said while pointing at it. She looked too.

"what about the good memories" she said

"umm..oh! Remember chemistry class all those times we did sexual stuff back there" I said then started smirking. She licked her lips then stretched. I rolled my eyes. We got to music room door and i opened the door for her.

"you wanna chill for a little?" I asked her. I dont know why she's so tired today🙄.

"nah i really gotta go to the girls locker room to get in uniform for practice in 10 minutes" she said softly. Her eyes are low because she's so sleepy. I looked at her up and down.

"why are you tired?" I asked her while raising one eyebrow. She smacked her lips.

"why we gotta talk about this right now?" She asked with an attitude

"it was a question no need for the attitude" I said raising my voice a little.

"sssh" she said. I scrunched my eyebrows then raised my right eyebrow.

"what the fuck are you shushing me for?" I asked with an attitude. She sighed.

"just be chill ive been up all night" she said softly

"why" I asked

"...i-i can't tell you right now..it's not the time" she said softly then frowned.

"I'm not gonna force you to say it but if you cheated on me motherfucker-" I said until she cut me off

"i was with you all night i aint did shit" she said

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