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~annie pov

Last night jayden seemed so disappointed after I hung up on her. She's been sending me paragraphs on how she feels about me and how her family had affected her as a person. I know she feels bad. She should. What lilia told me yesterday was true. I shouldn't be with someone who cheats on me 3 times a month. I love her don't get me wrong. I wanna marry her and have kids with her don't get me wrong but I can't have what I want all the time. I love everything about her besides from the cheater trait. But I'll see her today. and we're going to have or 'talk' 😔.

~Zane pov

I'm in class with Jayden and kianna right now. Jayden's wearing gray sweatpants and a white skin tight tank top and her hair is straightened and parted in the middle. She's sleeping. Gone. In class. AGAIN😂. She's always sleep in physics class which is our 5th period😂. I recorded her sleeping and zoomed in on her and then stopped recording and captioned it 'this bitch be gone ever day😂 @jaydenbartels' then posted it on my Instagram story. I saw kianna looking at her because she sits next to her. I recorded kianna and she looked at me and mouthed ima hit her and then hit her in the back of the head and Jayden woke up confused which made us bust out laughing and then the teacher got onto her for sleeping so only part of the teachers voice was in the video. I stopped recording and captioned it 'then she got caught slipping😂 @jaydenbartels & @kiannaLlyod' then posted it on my story.

~Jayden pov

Why the fuck did she hit me like that🙄.

"Jayden did you hear me?" Mrs Taylor said

"huh" I said

"I said you need to stay awake or your grades going down on this class it's only hurting you not me. You fall asleep everyday in my class and you have a what? A 35 in my class right now. Get your ass together." Mrs Taylor said in a serious tone. Everyone was quiet the whole time besides kianna and Zane because they were laughing at me and I peeped that Zane was recording me while she was talking.

"I know damn🙄 always getting on my ass for what tho?" I said with an attitude

"I'm getting on your ass because you're the only one failing my class right now and this an important you need to graduate. You're making me look bad as a teacher and they come to me asking if I even teach you. You're getting me in trouble." Mrs Taylor said in a serious tone. I stood up and put my hands in my pockets.

"that's not my fault though" I said with an attitude

"yes it is Jayden. So you need to come to tutoring for this class next week all next week before or after school it doesn't matter as long as you're here. If you don't come I'm going to speak to your coach and she won't let you play in your championship game. Because you have to pass to play in the games right Kianna." Mrs Taylor said in a serious tone

"yeah" kianna said

"bruh i don't care fuck it I'm leaving" I said softly with an attitude while walking to the door. I opened with a left and started walking down the hallway. I didn't bring anything to that class but my phone and I have that in my pocket. I left my backpack in the locker room. My phone started ringing while I was walking. I pulling it out my pocket and saw that annie was calling me. Wait...why though I thought she was mad at me😔? I answered.

Phone call

"hello?" I said

"hey, i just called to tell you when you get to LA come to my dad's house" she said

"why can't you come to me like you always do?" I asked

"umm..today i have people over so i can't leave the house" she said

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