493 20 2


9:38 am

~jayden pov

We're all dressed and now were just waiting and chilling in the hotel room. Draco left and went to john and Hayden's room. Lauren came over here and so did anna and lilia. Im wearing this outfit with my lose messy bun and my small gold chain.

 Im wearing this outfit with my lose messy bun and my small gold chain

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Devenity is vlogging us.

"and then we have this lil girl being stupid" devenity said while recording me. I licked my lips and got on my knees. I'm in the bed with dev.

"you dare me to stand up on the bed?" I asked her

"no! Its a clean bed jayden and your shoes are dirty on the bottom plus you'll hit your head on the fan" Dev said then started laughing. I giggled.

"i gotta send it dude" I said with a smile

"jayden if you do that your head is gonna get knocked off your shoulders" anna said then me and Dev started laughing our asses off😂.

"jayden's so dumb😂" devenity said while laughing. I calmed down and pulled out my phone. I laid in the bed next to dev. Devenity stopped recording. I facetimed kianna and she answered.


"slime i miss youuuu like crazy bro😩" I whined

"i miss you too bro bro😩" she whined

"are you in la or Florida?" I asked

"im in Florida with my family for two weeks, oh sophia and asher are here as well" she said

"ohhh that explains how you were with lauren yesterday" I said

"yah, I'll facetime later i gotta go before my sister comes and starts flirting with you" she said. I chuckled and she did too.

"alright slime bye" I said with a smile

"bye" she said with a smile then hung up.

End of facetime

"jayden!" Annie shouted from the bathroom. I sat up.

"yah!" I shouted

"come here!" She shouted. Am I finna get some😏? I licked my lips and smiled. I stood up.

"no freaky jayden" anna said to me with a smile.

"we'll see😏" I said with a smirk. I walked into the bathroom and she was doing her face routine. I closed the door behind myself.

"can you hand me my phone?" She asked sweetly. I picked up her phone and gave it to her. She started texting someone so i opened the door and stepped out for a second.

"deven can you bring me my doritos" i asked. She got up and grabbed them then gave me my bag. She took a chip I dropped my jaw.

"thanks" she said with a smile. She closed my mouth then walked off. I went back into the bathroom and put the chips on the counter. Annie pulled me in by my pants and started kissing me. We made out for 5 seconds until I broke the kiss.

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