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Tuesday - December 23rd☃️📍

~Jayden pov

Okay so after the prank we spoke about it and annie also did post that prank and the vlogs. We decided that we're on a break but it's only because I need to heal as a person and my relationship with her is stopping me from healing because I have to constantly worry about annie and if she's okay. I just wanna be happy again😔.

~annie pov

We're on a break. I cried. I'm not gonna lie. She did too. But it's what's best for her and me. I need to solve some things out too and find myself again. And get back on track with my music and focus on tour. I need to manage my anger because I don't wanna keep hurting her with my words and my violent behavior it's not healthy for either of us. So we're on a break and we're still like friends. Best friends. We didn't tell the fans that. Only our people on tour know that. I don't know how long we'll be on a break and that's what's hurting the most😩. I wanna be her girlfriend for Christmas. I wanna be super happy with her on New Years🥺. I was really hoping by the end of the year I would be happy and healthy with her and have a healthy relationship but that didn't go how it was planned and instead it went down drain. It went horrible and we had so many break ups and that damaged us as people and as a relationship. God. I just want this girl to be happy😩. She hasn't been actually happy ever sense Sunday. I feel like she's hurting a lot. She won't open up all the way and that's not okay. But she has to heal on her own. I shouldn't force her to do anything. I really hope we do get married in the future and are super happy with kids. Oh my god she loves kids so much😩😂. I want her to be the best parent ever and have a successful life. And if it's not with me...then I wish her the best with whoever makes her happier😩😩.

~Kianna pov

Right now we're at the stage center and it's 5:30 the show starts at 6. Annie and Jayden arent dating. Anymore. They're on a break. I'm just watching them talk to each other and I know that they're both hurting so badly inside. I can see the pain in their eyes Annie's especially😔. Damn. They about to make me cry😩. You know how sad it is to know your favorite couple broke up? You get affected too😩. God I gotta stop watching them before I cry. I looked at Lauren and I saw her crying her while looking at them. See😂.

"Lauren it's okay" I said

"no it's nottt they were so cute together😭" Lauren said while crying. Dev held her in her arms until she stopped crying. I saw Jacob Zane and Diego talking on the stairs while looking at annie and Jayden. Anna and Lilia can't even BARE to look at them without bawling their eyes out. Dev is even crying now. And she didn't even care about their relationship😂. Mr j came.

"Draco and annie time for your mic check and rehearsal then the show starts" mr j said. Annie got up and Draco did too and they went onto the stage. I looked at Jayden.

"why'd you put jaynnie on a break?" Everyone asked her at the same time

"hey hey hey y'all leave her alone she's hurting" i said to them all. I walked over to Jayden and sat next to her. She's wearing this outfit with her hair in a messy bun and her diamond earrings in.

 She's wearing this outfit with her hair in a messy bun and her diamond earrings in

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"awwwwwe my poor baebe" I said while hugging her head into my chest. She started crying. I rubbed her back.

"i don't know what I'm d-doing wrong k k😭" she said while crying

"you're not doing anything wrong jay you did the right thing for right now😩" I said feeling bad for her

"I feel so lost though😭" she said while crying

"jay I know your pain I've been through it too many times. When I broke up with Draco I didn't know what to do I felt lost but then I found myself again" I said softly while holding her. She sniffled.

"how😭" she said while crying

"it's called going out and being a bad bitch" I said. She sniffled.

"I don't want to date anyone but her😭" she said while crying

"it's not dating you're just fucking them and technically you're not cheating because you're on a break and you need to find yourself again so we're gonna go out tonight. Me you dev and Lauren and we're going to do what you used to do before the first time you broke up with annie because that's the Jayden we knew" I said. She sat up and I let her go. She wiped her tears and sniffled.

"are you sure this will work?" She asked me

"yes. And if it doesn't then you have the permission to punch me in the face" I said then she chuckled which made me smile.

"thanks k k" she said with a slight smile then hugged me again. I hugged her back

"I love you❤️" she said

"I love you too jay rock❤️" I said

After performance 🎊

~Jayden pov

We can't go out anywhere in Florida we're gonna do something in Alabama. We're in the airport waiting of our flight. Me and annie are talking kinda. She's been talking to alessio a lot. I feel like she's flirting with him. I can't be jealous though because we're not dating. The fans still don't know that we're on a break. They kept asking and I said I don't know. We're sitting next to each other in the air port right now.

"Jayden" Annie said. I looked at her in her eyes. I started checking her out and I caught myself doing it so I looked away quick as fuck. Damn Jayden! You're fucking so used to checking her out you just do it automatically.

"I don't care if you check me out" she said

"I feel wrong if I do" I said softly

"my body is still all yours. I want you to know that." She said. I wanna ask but I feel stupid for asking that. I looked at her.

"can i still fuck you? Even though we're not dating?" I asked. She chuckled softly

"i don't know you. you tell me." She asked softly. I looked at her lips and she looked at mine while licking hers. I started leaning slowly and so did she until alessio walked up to us.

"Annie you have to try this" alessio said with a smile

"what is it?" She asked

"it's cheesecake ice cream" he said with a smile. He handed her his spoon with ice cream on it and she tried it.

"that's so good" she said while her eyes lit up.

"right" he said while chuckling softly.

"Jayden you have to try this" she said with a smile. I took the spoon and ate the rest of it. Bitch ewww🤢. I gave her spoon back.

"hell nah🤢" I said. Ima bout to throw up for real. I went to the trash can and started throwing up in it. Annie came over to me. She pinched the back of my neck.

"Julianna stop" I said in a serious tone

"what are you gonna do? Try to throw up on me like 8th grade😏" she asked with a smirk. She said it not me. I started trying to make myself throw up on annie and she freaked out😂. She slapped me in the face and that shit hurt. Just like 8th grade at six flags😂. Best friends be like.

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