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~william pov

I woke up and got in the shower. After I got out I brushed my teeth then washed my face. After i did that I dryed off and got dressed. I wore this outfit.

I went downstairs and went to the kitchen

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I went downstairs and went to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple then my keys. I hugged my mom goodbye then headed out the house. I got in my car and started it then drove off. I stopped at starbucks to get a drink. While I waited in the drive thru. I called annie.

Phone call

"hello" she said

"hey are you at the studio yet" I asked

"no im on my way, why, are you there?" She asked

"im at starbucks, you want anything" I asked her then smiled to myself.

"you don't have to buy anything will" she said. I felt like she was smiling too.

"but i want to, now cmon what do you want" I asked

"just get my a vanilla latte" she said

"that's it?" I asked

"yah" she said

"okay i gotchu..I'll see you later" I said

"alright bye" she said

"bye" I said then hung up. I ordered our drinks then got them and left. 20 minutes later I arrived at the capital. I went up to the 4th floor then went to the room. I opened the door and they were talking. I gave annie her drink.

"thanks" she said with a smile

"no problem" I said

"will since you're here can you go bring me my food from the lunch room.

"lily's in there ill tell her to get it" I said. I walked out the room.

~annie pov

"back to what i was saying um i think that you and draco should hope on the track with my 2nd best artist austin brown" mr j suggested

"austin?" I asked

"can we meet him first" draco asked while laying back on the couch.

"sure, martin call austin in" mr j said

"AUSTIN" martin yelled. 10 seconds later Austin came in he looks like this and wore this outfit.

 10 seconds later Austin came in he looks like this and wore this outfit

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