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~Jayden pov

I'm in the gym with my team practicing. I can't stop thinking about my mom and dad. They did separate. My mom even got her last name changed back to Alan. I don't want my last name to change because it would be confusing for the fandom they would think something that wasn't true. My dad's in la right now. He's moving to Ohio next week. He's told me that he wants be to come back to see him Christmas break and he's prepared for me now. I'm guessing he's aware now that I have panic attacks now. I don't think he'll understand how to stop them. Annie is the only way that can stop them she makes me feel calm and let's me know everything is okay. That's why she's my best friend and girlfriend🥺💛. If I don't have annie I can't go with him. She'll be on a Christmas national tour while I'm stuck in Ohio. I don't even like Ohio. Like why couldn't he move to Georgia or something so I can make new gay friends. Ugh🙄 it's whatever it doesn't matter. I'll talk my mom out of making me go see him.

"BREAK FOR 2 minutes" Kianna yelled. I walked over to my backpack and pulled out my water bottle. I started drinking it then someone slapped my ass and made me choke.

"stop" I said then continued coughing. It was dev.

"why are you choking?" She asked then chuckled

"because you scared me" I said

"why are you scared of someone hitting you ass?" She asked me with a slight smile

"because if annie saw she would beat my ass" I said in a serious tone. Dev just stayed quiet.

"like I'm being serious why do you guys always think I'm joking? Behind doors I get hit for being flirted with or touched by a girl" I said

"umm why exactly are you still with her..if she's abusing you?" Dev asked while raising one eyebrow

"because she's fine as fuck. Plus she doesn't hit me a lot it's only when I make her mad or when she sees someone flirting with me" I said

"Jayden nobody should be hitting you if someone else is flirting with you that doesn't make sense" dev said

"she gets insecure sometimes you wouldn't understand" I said. Dev scoffed.

"yes I would. I get insecure all the time. But do I hit people for that? No" she said

"why are you talking to me about this?" I asked her

"because Brianna is always flirting with you in the halls before practice and during practice had annie seen you two?" Dev said

"you flirt with me all the time" I said

"no I don't" she said. I looked at her in the eyes then looked her up and down while licking my lips. Dev started blushing then pushed my head which made me giggle.

"you fuckboy😊" dev said while blushing

"BACK ON THE COURT GIRLS" Kianna yelled. We got on the court.

"we gotta game to win Friday night" kianna said with a slight smile.

~annie Pov

I'm in the music room listening to instrumentals and sending them to Draco and texting mr j. The door opened and I looked. It was Zoe🙄. I paused the instrumental.

"what do you want now?" I asked her

"I need to talk to you about something" she said. I just stared at her then looked at the couch and back at her.

"sit" I said. She came inside and sat down on the couch. I texted Draco back then looked at her again.

"what do you need?" I asked

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