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First day of tour!

I'm awake. Everyone in our room is awake. Draco. Devenity. And jayden. We're all tired obviously😕. Draco walked out of the bathroom. We all already brushed our teeth and washed our faces.

"y'all wanna go get breakfast?" He asked in his tired voice.

"definitely, i could use some coffee right now" dev said while standing up and rubbing her eye. Jayden's a whole mood right now. Shes literally falling asleep while sitting up.

"hey" i said. I patted her cheek twice and she woke up.

"huh?" She said then stood up.

"are you awake now?" I asked her

"yeh" she said

"lets go eat" draco said. We walked out the room and went on the elevator down to the lobby. Once we got down there we started racing to the coffee machine. I got there first and made mines first. Then Dev then jayden then draco. We got breakfast too and we sat down together and ate and drank our coffee. We were down here for a good 30 minutes. Its 8:16 am and its not like we have to be gone any time soon. We do have to go rehearse at 9:35. After we ate we went back up to our room. Once we got there we took turns taking showers. It took long than 15 minutes for each person to shower so we hard to hurry and get ready. By time we all got finished it was 9:20. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened.

I also tucked in the shirt because it looks better

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I also tucked in the shirt because it looks better. Jayden's wearing this with her hair parted in the middle.

 Jayden's wearing this with her hair parted in the middle

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Draco's wearing this outfit.

Draco's wearing this outfit

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