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~annie pov

"jayden stop😊" I said while blushing. She slid her hand in my pants and i quickly grabbed her hand and took it out. She giggled and I smiled while blushing.

"I'm glad you fine that amusing😊" I said while blushing. We're in the empty hallway doing this shit. Its first period jayden has volleyball practice but she can't practice yet. She's in volleyball uniform they haven't started volleyball practice yet. I have music class but I usually just sit in there and listen to instrumentals. Today is gonna be a day about us💛. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened.

 I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened

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"should we go live?" I asked

"history class we should go live we're not working today" jayden said then kissed me. I grabbed her face and kissed her lips again then again then again. She started smiling and so did i.

"i love you so much💛" she said with a smile

"i love you so much more💛😩" I whined with a smile

"anything you want you get" she said softly then kissed my lips.

"i dont wanna be spoiled jay" I said with a smile. She licked her lips and i let go of her face.

"well ima spoil you still, you want pussy you got it, you want food you got it, ect" she said. Her cheeks are red i was looking at her cheeks this whole time. Why didnt i notice that before i grabbed her face.

"what happened to your face?" I asked

"kianna and dev slapped me on both sides it was a dare" she said then nodded

"bubby i told you😩" I whined

"i know you dont like me getting hurt but im fine" she said. I grabbed her right hand and just looked at it. Its the hand she messed up again. Its wrapped on her whole hand it kinda looks like a cast.

"...be careful when you freak out..it really scares me jay..you could pass out and hurt yourself when you hit the ground or you could get put in a coma for a long time-" I said until she cut me off. She probably cut me off because i looked so sad and i wanted to cry😩.

"bubby that'll never happen💛 i love you and I'll be careful i promise" she said softly then pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back. Her hugs always make me feel safe and happy😩💛.

"i love you" she mumbled in my shoulder.

"i love you too" I said softly. We broke the hug and she kissed me.

"you wanna come watch me practice?" She asked. I shook my head.

"i should probably get to work on the music" I said. She licked her lips.

"okay well...I'll see you Spanish class and lunch and then history class and then-" she said with a smile until i cut her off.

"okay dork i know I'll see your sexy ass later" I said with a smile. She chuckled then I kissed her and went back inside the music room.

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