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~annie pov

It's 3:58 pm. I just got back from the studio and we really didnt do anything we're releasing come together tomorrow. My parents are at the store right now and I'm home with jayden, landon, and hayley again🙄😂. Im sitting on the couch doing school and jayden's sitting on the couch next to me whining to me because she wants me to cuddle her. I'm wearing an oversized white t shirt with black spandex and white socks. My hair is wet because I just got out the shower a few minutes ago. No jayden didn't shower with me. I had to get her away from me she's being all clingy today. Anyways jayden's wearing this outfit without the shirt but instead a white tank and her small gold chain and her hair is straightened and parted in the middle.

 Anyways jayden's wearing this outfit without the shirt but instead a white tank and her small gold chain and her hair is straightened and parted in the middle

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Landon and hayley are on the floor playing with gg and watching TV. Sitting on the left side of me.

"babe cuddle with meee😩" she whined

"jayden im working" I said

"just put your arm around me or something😩" she whined

"do you have school monday?" I asked her

"no now cuddle with me😩" she whined. I put my arm around her and she laid her head on my chest.

"annieeee" hayley said

"what" I said while looking at my laptop.

"can we go get food" landon asked

"mom and dad are bringing food home from the store" I said while looking at my laptop.

"I'm tired of eating the same thing they bring the same stuff" hayley said

"hayley you have money order post mates" I told her

"i spent all of my allowance" she said

"landon you have money order food for you guys" I said

"i left my card at home" he said

"annieeeee" hayley said. Im tired of this shit! I picked up my phone and pulled out my card from the case.

"here. Order some fucking food" I said with an attitude. Hayley took the card.

"attitude much" hayley said

"you guys are seriously distracting me I'm trying to finish my school work so fucking order food and gimme my fucking card back" I said in a serious tone

"hayley hurry annie's scary" landon said

"i know" hayley said. Is jayden sleeping? She's being hella quiet.

"jayden?" i said. No answer. I looked at her face and her eyes were closed. I took my arm off of her and laid her down on the couch. Hayley gave me my card back.

"what'd you buy" I asked her

"we bought chick fi la" landon said

"okay you guys keep it down jayden's sleeping" I said while putting my card back in my case. I set it down on the couch.

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