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~armani pov


I woke up to seeing jayden pacing around my room in her oversized shirt and im pretty sure nothing under but a thong. I put my arms behind my head and sighed then smirked at her.

"thank god you're up now" she said while looking at me

"you missed me😏" I asked while smirking

"fuck no, i need to yell at you now that youre up, how could you lead me on to doing this with you again?! I mean me and annie got into an argument yah but we arent broken up!! You made me cheat on her!! You, you dick!!" She yelled. I licked my lips and got out of bed and was about to go into the bathroom when she got infront of me and stopped me.

"i aint done with you armani hunter jackson, you really fucked up my life you know.." She said looking sad.

"annie fucked up your life more than i did I mean look at you going so crazy over this girl all the time, its annie annie annie 24/7 why can't it be about you and only you for once" I said. She didnt reply and I sighed.

"exactly" I said then walked into the bathroom.


~jayden pov

"hey, ill hopefully see you later..i miss you a lot in my life" armani said then walked off. I just shook my head and went inside the gym for practice.

30 minutes later..

"good practice ladies" kianna said while putting the ball up. We sat down in our little circle on the floor.

"guys i gotta confession" i said

"what is it" kenzie asked

"i had sex with my ex last night" I said. They all looked at sophia.

"not Sophia guys" I said

"yah it wasn't me" she said

"then who" kianna said

"and im finna beat yo ass" kianna added on

"armani" i said. They looked shocked.

"that whore" pyrm asked

"yes" I said

"WHY" devenity yelled

"cuz he lead me on" I said

"y'all hold me back" kianna said

"kianna wait chill lemme explain, me and annie broke up" I said

"WHY" lauren yelled

"because she's fucking leaving me for her fucking career she has a whole 2 more years to find her career she should be with me right now😩" I wined

"jayden she is right let her find her career you are horrible if you want her to choose you over her career that could get her a lot of money" mads said

"for real tho, what if y'all break up she wasted her whole life with you doing nothing when she couldve been out there doing big things, you need to be more appreciative of what you have" pyrm said

"im with them but you need to get back with annie some way I dont care what you do all I know is that you better fucking with her again y'all are meant to be" kianna said. I nodded. I grabbed my phone.

"should I talk to her now" I asked

"no wait til lunch or chemistry class" devenity said

"alright, I hope it works" I said


I saw annie so I walked up to her and draco. As I walked up to her I started getting nervous and my hands started sweating. I started breathing heavily cuz I was so scared for some reason.

"an-annie can we t-talk" I asked

"not now jayden im busy" she said

"its-its important" I said

"jayden fuck off we're not together anymore leave me alone" she said. I started sweating really badly. Draco saw me and I just put my hands over my head. I started hyperventilating. And then started crying for some reason. Annie grabbed my hand and took me to the girls locker room and tried to calm me down.

"jayden jayden jayden breathe its okay everything is fine breathe okay" she said while holding my hand and rubbing it softly. I started calming down after 3 minutes then she pulled me into a hug.

"its okay jayden its fine everything will alright" she said

After school

Ashton's house..

7:45 pm

~annie pov

"jayden had a panic attack today" i said still having the thought of the moment on my mind. It was scary😩. Ashton sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"has she ever had one before" he asked

"no, that's why im worried, i feel like she's gonna be having them a lot and its gonna be because of me" I said while making no eye contact with him.

"i mean what if she has a big one one day and dies😩" I added on feeling bad.

"hey dont say that" he said. I looked him in his beautiful brown eyes.

"she'll be fine...and what do you mean why would she have a panic attack over you where are you going ?" He asked

"..i got signed with a record label today and the best record label actually, me and draco are leaving the school and tomorrow is our last day.." I said. Ashton looked at me and then slowly lost eye contact.

"ashton..are you mad at me" I asked

"no, no im not mad" he said making no eye contact and looking disappointed.

"ashton dont lie to me" I said. He sighed and placed his face in his palms.

"..im also moving to east cali high" i said. He picked up his head and looked at me.

"with the rich white people?!" He asked while raising his voice

"i dont have to go there i could do online classes and thats probably what me and draco are gonna do since we're gonna be on the road and in the studio all the time" I said

"okay..im not mad at you..but i am disappointed that you're leaving me" he said until I cut him off

"I'll still be around" I said until he cut me off

"no but you dont get it, julianna you're not my girlfriend anymore but i still love you so very much, i really wanted to be first person you told but I guess I wasn't, you mean the work to me and you leaving is like the sky falling down on me, without you constantly teasing me in health what am I gonna do, you make me super happy...you know that?😩" he said feeling bad. I crawled over to ashton and kissed him on the lips. Once I pulled away he pulled me back in for more and then off goes the thong.

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