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~jayden pov

"JAYDEN GIVE IT BACK" devenity yelled at me. I was standing on top of the cafeteria table being dumb as usual when I shouldnt be up here. Oh by the way I have her phone because she was talking to draco or at least attempting to text him. I'm wearing this outfit.

"you have to stop dev, its not worth it" I said while holding her phone by my pointer finger and my thumb

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"you have to stop dev, its not worth it" I said while holding her phone by my pointer finger and my thumb. She gasped.

"jayden OKAY STOP" she yelled. Mr luis came in.

"JAYDEN GET DOWN" mr luis yelled at me. I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes while getting off the table and handing devenity her phone. She kissed it.

"you have to promise me to stop talking to draco, he's dating your sister now..let him go" I said

"...alright.." She said. She handed me her phone and I deleted his number out of her phone then gave it back. I put my arm around her shoulders and we walked to the gym.


"yo, squad" kenzie said

"sup slime" I said

"smOooooth jayden in the cut" kianna said. I walked over to her while smiling and we did a hand shake.

"yo I missed y'all dumb asses" I said

"we missed you too" lauren said. I looked around at everybody. Wait.

"where's pyrm" i asked. Kianna shrugged.

"she never comes late" sophia said. I pulled out my phone and said while walking to the door and looking at my phone.

"I'll be right back" I said. I walked out the gym and then walked out the school. I spotted pyrm coming in. I ran up to her in the hall.

"yo whats up" I said. She didnt look at me.

"nothing" she said while looking at the ground while we walked to the gym.

"pyrm..i know you been having a hard time lately with your little brother and his death i just wanna say im sorry" I said. She glanced at me.

"jayden im really fine" she said

"no you're not pyrm, ive known you for 2 years and I know you well enough to the point where I know when youre hiding something" I said. She shook her head and sighed.

"you wont give up huh" she asked

"not until i know you're okay...are you?" I asked. She stopped in her tracks and I stopped too.

"you really wanna know" she asked looking irritated.

"yes" I said

"no im not okay, nothings okay, i can't have my mother I can't have my brother and I dont have a boyfriend and everytime I get one I get fucked over! Yeah I said it! You guys dont know about that! You all thought I was a single little bitch! No I had boyfriends and they all played me for my WHOLE LIFE! so you know now, no im not okay! Stop asking!" She went off. I was shocked. She started walking again and I hesitated if I should follow her or not. I ran up to her and stopped her again.

"pyrm wait" i said while stopping her. She rolled her eyes and groaned.

"uuggh what now jayden" she said

"i dont care if you're mad at me or irritated, you are like my sister and sisters will fight but pyrm we dont so stop it now, and ima be her for you on everything swear to gaw" i said. She smiled then chuckled because of  the phrase we always say. I chuckled too.

"okay i can't be mad at you now after you said that" she said while smiling. I smiled too. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. She said while hugging me.

"i love you jayden" she said softly.

"...i love you too pyrm" I said. We broke the hug and then looked into each others eyes for a second. Pyrm started slowly leaning in then I snapped out of it.

"uhh-" I said until she cut me off.

"uh sorry..i should g-go" she said until I cut her off.

"we can go together" I said. She looked at my eyes then my lips then back at my eyes.

"no i-i really need to go by myself" she said then took off down the hall. I leaned against the locker.

"why does this happen to me all the time universe? Its like you want me to cheat on annie" I said to myself then sighed.

"get you some pyrm then jay jay" bryce said from across the hall. I chuckled.

"im dating annie bruh chill" i said while smiling. I walked away to the gym.


I'm sitting with connor and jenna because i dont wanna talk to my team right now.

"so in biology what did you guys think about what we learned today" connor asked

"it was bullshit" jenna said

"what she said" I said

"cmon guys biology is fun" connor said

"no you think its fun nobody else does" I said

"jay are you still with you're super star girlfriend😏" jenna asked while smirking.

"yah i miss her so much" I said

"y'all are cute as fuck" connor said

"i know right" jenna said

"guys i know we're FCE" I said while smiling. I saw ashton coming over to me.

"hey can I sit" he asked

"sure" I said. He pulled up a chair and sat.

"so im dropping this song that ive been working on for so long and ive been signed to the same record label as annie and draco" he said while smiling

"okay...congrats?" I said

"no look tell annie ill be there in hollywood with her Tuesday" he said

"why" I asked

"because she's my best friend" he said. He stood up and left.

"are you gonna" jenna asked

"should I" i asked

"probably just in case he tries anything with her" connor said

"then I will" I said

After school

Jayden's house

9:15 pm


"Ashton's been signed to the same record label as you today and he's going to Hollywood on Tuesday" I said

"you seem upset about it" she said

"im not..i just miss you" I said

"did you tell your mom and dad about you're panic attacks and depression?" She asked

"yah and they tried to give me therapy because of you" I said

"maybe you need it" she said while smiling.

"nah cuz they can read my mind and all I think about all day is you and fucking you and kissing you and all the shit we do together" I said

"you freaky as fuck babe" she said

"i know baby" I said while smiling. We talked all night about everything and we ended up falling asleep on the phone💛.

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