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~Jayden pov

I'm at lunch right now with Luca and my squad. Annie's in the music room jocelin and Christian. I'm wearing outfit with my hair straightened and parted in the middle.

 I'm wearing outfit with my hair straightened and parted in the middle

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"i feel like Zoe is up to something" I said to them

"we beat her ass she's scared of us, what could she possibly have up her sleeve" kianna said

"well Jayden didn't apologize so she probably is still mad" dev said

"she's a dumbass ain't nobody tell her ass to expose my business" I said with an attitude. I got a text from Jacob saying I'm in Vegas you wanna hangout today😎? I replied sure you can come to the basketball with me first then we can go somewhere else he replied bet just text me when to pull up I replied k k I turned off my phone. Guess I got plans today now🤪. I looked at Luca.

"Luca do you know where Diego is right now?" I asked him

"he's in the boy locker room. You wanna go see him?" He asked

"can you walk me there and then you go inside and tell him i need to talk to him" I said. He nodded then we stood up and walked out the cafeteria. We walked to the locker room hallway then we finally arrived at the boys locker room. Luca went inside and i waited outside. While I waited I got on my phone and texted dev. I heard the boys locker room door open and I looked up. It was this harvey😳. Oh fuck this is so embarrassing😳. He looks like this.

 He looks like this

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He's shirtless too. He's just wearing athletic shoes and black shorts with a small gold chain and his hair is all wet and it's down. I'm not gonna lie he looks good😍. BUT. my baby annie is way cuter than him😍🤤💛. He looked at me.

"ohh..hey Jayden" he said with a slight smile

"hi Harvey" I said with a fake smile

"long time no see. How have you been?" He asked

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