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Tuesday - December 30th 🌹♥️💍

~Jayden pov

I'm in Ohio and on Thursday it's New Years. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I have no friends here at all so I can't go out. If I do I'll get hit on by a girl or even a dude as usual. I'm not and I repeat NOT going to cheat on annie because that's my forever. She does way too much for me and gives me too many chances for me to cheat on her again. And she told me she trust me for the first time in forever🥺. I'm not gonna break her trust over some stupid person🙄. So if I gotta fight a bitch I will🤨. Ugh. My dad is so weird. Why do he still have Christmas decorations up and it's been over for 5 days now. He lives in this big ass house and he has kids here. He's rich as fuck. I forgot to mention that's why he doesn't take care of me and why I don't give a fuck about shit most of the time I learned it from HIM. My mom taught me better and I'm acting better with her but as a kid growing up I was a daddy's girl and I listened to him all the time. The only good thing about him was that he was accepting with my sexuality. He doesn't care. He told me he'd always love me no matter what. And I fell for that. I think he loves me sometimes but if he did why did he leave me and my mom🙄💔. This is why I don't have a boyfriend. I'm sitting in the living room watching tv and my dad's kids are literally being loud as fuck like WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE BITCH. I didn't want to be here at all. He claims he needs me for help around the house like bitch do I look like a muthafuckin maid? No? Exactly🙄. I miss my mommy😩. And my baby🥺. And my friends with they dumbasses🙄😂. My dad has 5 kids here. 4 boys 1 girl. Thank god his other daughter is my age because I can't talk to a 12 year old about my girlfriend that weird. My dad always has his hot girlfriend over. She kinda reminds me of josie because she's that hot🤤. JAYDEN STOP😳. And he claims that this other girl is my cousin when technically she's not because she not my FULL family we're barely related. She's a flirt. She's bisexual too. She's super pretty but I'm not going to do anything with any of these hoes. Damn. This house more of a thirst trap than the streets😂. I'm sitting on the couch just relaxing watching tv and the boys are arguing and fighting with each other being loud upstairs but I can still fucking hear them🙄. Ima bout to yell. Should I yell? Yolo.


"FUCK OFF ASSHOLE" troy said from upstairs. I looked at up and saw him looking down at me from the railing. Ima kill him.

"what the fuck you say?!" I shouted

"I said ASSHOLE" he yelled again

"boy yo fucking face look like a muthafuckin ass hole shut the fuck up!!" I shouted at him

"damn pussy ass bitch" I said with an attitude. He started crying. Oh my goddddd🙄. He ALWAYS CRYING.

"MMMMM DADDYYYYY😭" Troy yelled while crying

"Troy I'm sorry! I'll buy you ice cream just don't call dad!" I shouted. He stopped crying and smiled.

"I better have my ice cream in 45 minutes if not I'm telling" he said with a smile then went back to fight with Bryce and Logan. Deviled ass child I swear😳.

"weird ass kids" I said to myself. I looked back at the tv. My dad's hot girlfriend came over to me. Shit😳.

"Jayden do you need anything sweetie?" She asked me nicely

"uhh nah I'm good" I said

"okay" she said then was about to walk away until I said.

"but since you asked can you tell Troy, Bryce, and Logan to shut the fuck up?" I asked her. She just gave me that mom look. That serious look. I smiled a corny smile and she chuckled.

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