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Flashback <>


"hey guys" jayden said with a smile

"hey jayden!" Annie said with a smile. Asher looked at jayden and rolled his eyes.

"how are you friends with this imbecile" asher said

"shes not a...whatever that word you said is shes my best friend and if you dont like it you can leave our friend group and play by yourself" annie said. Sophia ran over.

"Hi guys!" Sophia said with a smile

"ugghh" asher said

"hey sophia" jayden said

"you guys wanna play tag" sophia asked

"nobody likes you sophia get lost already you useless piece of shit!" Asher said getting angry. Jayden went up to his face.

"dont talk about her like that if you ever do again I'll beat your ass!" Jayden said getting angry too. Jayden pushed him and he pushed her back. Jayden pushed him again and he fell on the ground. Asher cried his eyes out and ended up getting jayden in trouble for sticking up for Sophia.

End of flashback <>

~jayden pov

"damn he did you dirty" kianna said

"yah thats why i hate his ass...WAIT HOLY SHIT FUCK" I yelled. I grabbed my phone quickly and called annie. She answered my facetime.


"wassup" she said

"aye have you been hanhing around asher angel" I asked her. She got quiet for a second then said.

"yah why" she said

"because he's a fuckboy and you need to stay away from him" I said

"you got dirt on him or something?" She asked

"yes bitch he deadass got me in trouble in 3rd grade for sticking up for sophia" I said

"okay and" she said

"bro just stay away from him, he got sophia pregnant and ran off so he wouldnt have to take care of it, dont tell me you hooked up with him" I said

"why didnt you tell me sooner of fucking course i hooked up with him have you seen his hot ass" she said

"bro now youre probably pregnant..dont you have a whole boyfriend you cheated on him?!" I asked raising my voice a little.

"jayden you said you'd go out and be a ho with females lemme go out and be a ho with males" she said

"you can catch std and all that shit stop" I said

"arent you dating Sophia" she asked. She sounded hurt.

"yah arent you dating william" i asked

"yah but im finna be single again" she said

"hows draco" i asked. Kianna chocked and we laughed.

"He's fine" she said

"no new females he talks too?" I asked

"no not that i know of, we've been busy making music and recording" she said

"igh ill call you later probably tomorrow" I said

"alright bye" she said

"bye" I said then hung up.

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