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~jayden pov


"do you really have to go tonight😩" I whined. She kissed my lips.

"yes mr johnson needs us and i have to get some lyrics for me and john's song" she said while fixing her hair in the mirror.

"john orlando?" I asked

"mhm" she said

"are you going on tour?" I asked

"me and draco will find out once we get there...since on the weekends we dont have anything important to do, why dont you come with us this time" she said

"I'll have to come back sunday night" I said

"thats fine babe just come to Hollywood with me, you'll have a lot of fun😏" she said while smirking. I licked my lips.

"you said y'all gotta villa right" I asked

"yes daddy we do💛" she said. I grabbed her ass and then smacked it.

"damn aggressive much😊" she said while blushing.

"daddy is always aggressive baby girl" I said in a sexy tone.


We're walking inside. I'm walking her to the music room. Once we got to door the bell rang. Annie was about walk inside but I stopped her.

"wait baby i wanna say something" I said. She nodded and gave me all her attention.

"I wanna say that..i feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have you and call you my girlfriend, you mean so much to me and i love you so much like so so much and anything you want I'll give it to you because i want you happy💛" I said. She smiled at my lips then kissed them.

"i love you too, now go to the iss room before you get in more trouble" she said. I chuckled and she smiled.

"alright baby girl" I said. She went into the classroom then i went to the iss room.

Lunch time

"time for lunch, jayden" riley said

"riley can you lea-" i said while picking up my head and opening my eyes to see someone else. Lily.

"lily?" I said

"yah i dont look or sound like that riley bitch at all" lily said while crossing her arms. Lemme give you a little summary on lily. She's my friend and you know how i used to date sophia, i used to date her too.

"sorry" I said

"are you eating" she asked

"whats to eat today" I asked

"annie with a side of sophia and lily with a drink that's armani" she said. Wait what the fuck?!

"hold up, what you say?" I asked

"i said orange chicken with a side of potatoes and green beans with a drink that's of your choice" she repeated.

"oh.." I said while catching my breath and trying to calm down.

"what did you think I said? ...and are you okay" she asked. I stood up.

"um no, no i have p-panic attacks" I said pushing the words out.

"sit down and breath, jay" she said. I sat down. She got down on her knees.

"do you need water" she asked.

"n-no i need air!" I shouted. She stood up.

"I'll get mr luis" she said then ran out the room. I stood up and started pacing the room. I was aware that there were other people in the room but i can't control myself. I picked up a chair and threw it across the room. I almost hit some girl. She stood and said.

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