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~annie pov

"more of my love, hop inside my car and take control of my love, for her i would kill for her i would drill she know that its real she know that i feel i love when she feel, girl" i sang to the instrumental then draco paused it.

"you like my lyrics huh?" Draco asked with a smile. He getting all happy because i let him write a song for us for the first time ever😂.

"we technically didn't finish the song yet" I said

"but you like that part i wrote?" He asked with a smile

"yea dork" i said with a smile. He chuckled.

"you wanna finish this later on at the villa? I have to work with austin and Christian today" I said

"what time are you gonna be done?" He asked

"around 7 if not then I'll text you when" I said

"bet, but later on we should do a cover again together everyone's loving them on our group page" he said

"on dNa page?" I asked

"yes our page together at official dNa oh and we should post more pictures together on there" he said

"we have how many followers on that our page?" I asked

"6 mill" he said

"we should work on taking pictures together they love us together" I said then started smiling. He smiled too.

"i dont like you tho you get on my nerves and bully me" he said with a smile

"you mess with me way more than i mess with you dont even lie" I said with a smile

"that's true, but you still my ride or die" he said with a smile

"you know it" I said with a smile then we started laughing.

~jayden pov

It's lunch and I'm in the cafeteria with dev right now. The gang is in the locker room because finally we can practice today. Well its urgent we have a game tomorrow night so we gotta practice as much as we can. Since we're practicing when freshman should be practicing they're gonna practice 6th period while we're in class. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened.

 I'm wearing this outfit with my hair straightened

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I'm live i just went live.


"dev cmon let's go we have practice" I said. we're at the snack machine. She got her snacks out the machine.

"k let's go" she said. She walked over to me and we started walking out the cafeteria.

"so guys we're walking out the cafeteria now" I said to the live

"going to locker room to change for practice" dev to the live

"jayden!" Keon shouted with a smile. We stopped walking.

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