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~annie pov

"so the whole night you knew we had a meeting the next morning and you didnt bother to text me and tell me so i would be prepared" I said while picking up the trash and putting it in the trash can

"bro i didnt know i kinda forgot to be honest cuz i didnt think it was gonna be this important" Draco said while fixing the couch pillows

"well guess what draco you had one job and you failed which means, youre fired which also means, we're fucked" I said while grabbing the snack bowl and placing it on the table near the couch. Draco walked over to the computer.

"no we're not we'll be fine..i mean...how important or big could this guy be" he asked while looking at me. We heard a knock on the door and we both jumped.

"who do you think it is" I whisper yelled

"I dont know it can't be the record label already" he whisper yelled back at me. We heard a guy on the other side of the door say something.

"Guys, its jimmy, jimmy johnson" he said from the other side of the door

"draco" i whispered

"that's him alright" he said then started walking to the door. He got to the door and opened it. I walked over to them.

"hi im mr johnson the head of la's record labels" he said with a smile. Draco shook his hand then he shook my hand.

"yes its great to meet you finally mr johnson go ahead make yourself at...school" draco said with a smile. Mr johnson chuckled.

"you're funny kid" he said with a smile then went to find a seat. I grabbed draco by his arm.

"school? Make your self at school draco?" I whisper yelled

"hey i got nervous and he thought it was funny so..we good😏" he said while smirking. He walked over to the couch with mr johnson and I followed him. We sat down next to each other and we began our meeting. By the way me and draco are wearing these outfits.

 By the way me and draco are wearing these outfits

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25 minutes later

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25 minutes later..

"and then we started hitting it off from there and we work very well with each other" draco said

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