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After some more days of hard riding, they had settled again, this time closer to Vaes Dothrak

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After some more days of hard riding, they had settled again, this time closer to Vaes Dothrak. Drogo had called halt on the Khalasar when he saw the pain cross his Khaleesi's face, he shouldn't be pushing her this far but she needed to get used to it. It was he who lifted her from the horse now, sending Jorah to help Rhaenar's sister. He who walked her to the tent, and helped undress her, cleaning her wounds. He'd barely let another person touch her if it was for Rhaenar dismissing him with a smile, telling him to check on his Khalasar.

As Jhiqui, Irri, and Doreah entered once the Khal left, her smile dropped, back slumping slightly. The brave front she put up only for him, crumbling as soon as her handmaidens could surround her; acting as a barrier to the outside world. Pain radiated through her back, twisting its way across her lower muscles, as it protested the day's activities. Her thighs just as sore as the first time, Drogo's rough ministrations on her from the night before not helping in the slightest. They bathed her, washing the red skin in oils and ointments before helping her from the bath and dressing her in a tight dress.

Rhaenar glanced to the dragon eggs, the gift always open whenever she entered the tent. They fascinated her, kept her in awe every time she even looked at them. Her hands remained either side of her as her handmaidens tended to her. "Has anyone ever seen a dragon?" She asked, her fascination growing as she continued to look at the eggs. They plagued every one of her thoughts, her dreams; it consumed her.

"Dragon gone, Khaleesi."

She didn't want to think they were extinct, they were terrifying beasts who could bring a nation to their knees; and once upon a time her family had been the ones to ride them. "What? Everywhere? Even in the furthest corners of the world?" It seemed far fetched, that even the undiscovered world didn't have them. 

"No dragon, brave men kill them." Her heart dropped at the thought as the other handmaidens echoed what the first said. Brave men killed them? That didn't sound like an act of a brave man; the act of a brave man would have been the ones to have ridden them. 

"A trader from Qarth told me that dragons come from the moon." Rhaenar gasped, her brows raising as she looked between her handmaidens giggling.

"Really? The moon?"

Doreah nodded. "He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi, that once there were two moons in the sky. But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat, and out of it poured a thousand thousand dragons and they drank the sun's fire." Rhaenar was captured, imagining the images of all these dragons pouring from the moon. 

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