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It's a little dry, but I didn't wanna rush back into Meereen. 


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Rhaenar hesitated that evening as she stood at the doorway of her tent, gazing out over the expanse of the camp. Unsullied were running to and from, drilling themselves to keep up their stamina as others fought one another with spears. She stretched, a hand coming round her waist before tugging her back slightly, lips meeting her neck. Rhaenar grinned, the soft tingles running from the curve of her shoulder and into her hairline; indigo eyes rolling back slightly as she lent into the grasp. "Careful, someone may see us." She cooed softly, the gentle waves of bliss lolling her as she continued to view the camp.

"Let them, I don't care." Mero uttered, the tip of his nose soothing the skin where his lips once were. A grin stretched along her face, her head falling back to his shoulder, exposing more of the sought after flesh. He was easily swayed, his hand instantly grasping the skin of her through with his large hand, the heat snaking into her soul.

"We're going back to the gates tomorrow." Mero could feel every vibration of the word he spoke, the hum running through his hand to his wrist and up. "Do you think they'll be open?"

"Absolutely; are you doubting yourself?" The silence was his answer as he dropped his hand, wrapping his arms around her waist; their eyes looking forward. "You've given them the means to achieve something they'd only ever dreamed about, only fools wouldn't take it."

She shook her head. "Or maybe the wisest men; what if we can't get the masters to agree to our terms and we let them go back to their shackles?"

"That's not the right way to think, Rhaenar; and even if that was true, who's to say you wouldn't climb upon those bloody dragons and take it back?" She stood in silence, letting her mind reel. Rhaenar refused to let those she freed go back into their chains, she'd fight until her last breath to make sure it would never happen.

"Any news from the council at Yunkai and Astapor?" He shook his head, Rhaenar taking her lip into her mouth, biting down.

"They're probably just caught up, you've seen how long it took us to get here. Stop letting your mind overthink." She nodded, he was right; she was letting her insecurities get the better of her again. Rhae turned in his arms, wrapping her own around his neck as he tugged her up, grasping her thighs. "We need to get to the main tent." Mero said, not moving a step.

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