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Okay so, this book is going to have one true ending; but, I will also write some different endings just so you can pick which you wish to end it on; as I don't believe it to be fair if you've read this much of the book, and get an ending that you don't like. Almost like sitting through eight seasons, and getting That. 

"My Queen, I was wondering if I could speak to you before you meet with the Masters

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"My Queen, I was wondering if I could speak to you before you meet with the Masters." A timid voice said as Rhaenar walked down the hall, her boots clicking on the stone before stopping, turning to face Harry.

She smiled at him. "Of course Harry, what is it?" He extended his arm, her small hand coming round to rest upon his forearm.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice that in Daznak's Pit, your dragons were rather... under protected." He began, his eyes following the floor before turning to look up at her. "It's just, when we ride our elephants into battle, I always ensure that they are wearing armour; and the thought just... poofed! Into my head, and I thought, why not have the dragons in armour - that way their skin is impenetrable with scales and metal."

Rhaenar thought about it, light dancing in her eyes. It was a very clever idea indeed, and could completely change the way that they used dragons. "That's a brilliant idea, Harry."

Relief washed over his mousy features, a smile pressing his small lips. "I've already drawn up some plans and given them to a Blacksmith in town who has crafted them if you'd like to try them out."

"I would love to." She was excited, seeing her babies with this armour on. She could only imagine what Harry would have drawn, whether it was extravagant like the Golden Company, or more simplistic - designed for speed and utility.

"We of course need you to fit them, the dragons are rather... temperamental. Tyrion went in the other week to get the measurements, and we were sure he was going to come out half the size he went in." She giggled at the thought, Rhaenar patting his hand. "And then when I tried... I'm lucky I still have eyebrows and this gorgeous hair." He uttered, placing emphasis on the hair as he brushed back the strands.

Rhaenar giggled. "My dragons would never."

"They so would." He said with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, this armour, it's made with many little plates - just like their scales, but it should be moveable, and with very little areas left exposed to be hit." He described, leading them down and through to Harry's chamber.

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