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When they'd gotten back to camp, there was less than a quarter of the numbers Khal Drogo had left there; and those that remained were huddled around a small cluster of tents

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When they'd gotten back to camp, there was less than a quarter of the numbers Khal Drogo had left there; and those that remained were huddled around a small cluster of tents. Rheged stood, meeting Qotho and Khaleesi as they entered the camp. "Qotho, Khaleesi!" He greeted, placing a fist on his heart. Qotho glanced to Rheged, nodding. "We tried our hardest but Pono had it all planned out."

Qotho nodded, climbing from his horse before moving to assist his Khaleesi. Rhaenar was docile, pliable as he pulled her down before keeping her in his arms, motioning Rheged to join. "How long has the Khalasar been divided?"

"Not long, but Pono had must have already spoken to the Khalasar and poisoned the men's minds. It seemed almost simultaneous that they turned." Rheged explained, following after the Khaleesi and Bloodrider.

Qotho nodded as he moved through the tents before finding his. Entering the tent, he laid Rhaenar down before turning to Rheged. "And Pono killed Drogo?"

"Yes." Qotho sighed, brushing back his hair. He didn't know what to do. "Bring me the Kos that remained and will be willing to fight." Rheged nodded before leaving. Qotho huffed before slumping down, glancing to his Khaleesi.

He could see the tear marks streak her cheeks, redness seeped along her lids. He reached out, brushing away a strand of silver. "We will avenge him Khaleesi, I promise you." Standing from the bedside, he left the tent, fury filling him. His brother was murdered and his Khalasar split, there was a price for that kind of pain.

Jorah approached, motioning to the tent. "How is she?"

"Asleep for now; we're going to gather a small force and overthrow the city of Qarth; then, when the time is right, we will expel our revenge on Pono." Jorah nodded. "You need not worry, Jorah the Andal; the Khalasar we have now will be enough to protect Khaleesi and fight for her when she chooses a place to travel next."

"What of Khal Drogo's body, she'll want to burn it." He mentioned, watching a small group of men approach.

"I shall send riders now to retrieve the men."

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