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Rhaenar had never moved so fast as she burst from her seat, her feet carrying her through the pyramid, desperate to get to her closest friend and ally

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Rhaenar had never moved so fast as she burst from her seat, her feet carrying her through the pyramid, desperate to get to her closest friend and ally. Qotho! Qotho was awake! He'd woken while she wasn't here. Rhaenar grinned, perhaps she should have asked more questions about him before she left but she couldn't help it, she wanted to see her friend.

It had been almost a year since she had seen his smiling face, his dark eyes shining at her. She hadn't seen him since Yunkai when he'd gotten himself caught in a fight when they first met Mero and Daario. Her heels clicked down every step as she made her way down to the infirmary, cutting across several Unsullied as they made their way through the hallway. "Sorry!" She cried out as Rhaenar just about dodged them, her head ducking as she dipped below a spear.

Rhaenar wanted to tell him everything, from being called Mhysa to her trip to Braavos, and she didn't want to spare on the details either. Her right hand man was back by her side, and happiness seemed to ooze from her as she reached the door. Indigo eyes twinkled as her hands landed on the doors, pushing them open.

The infirmary beds were clear, the healers moving around in the room folding linens and straightening pillows but she couldn't see her Qotho. Where was he? She thought he'd be here? Her shoulders dipped slightly as she double checked the beds again, stepping into the room to look fully. She couldn't see Sake, his normal healer.

Had he left to join the Dothraki already? Was he with the few that had decided to help the farmers on raising and caring for horses? Rhaenar couldn't believe it, they said he was asking after her but he wasn't here. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you were being chased by a rabid crowd." A deep voice, wheezing slightly, called from behind her; the softest, smallest of smiles on Rhaenar's face as she turned.

There her best friend was, looking as though no time had passed at all - besides a thick scruff of a beard that had settled on his jaw and two twinkling dark eyes staring down at her. She froze for a moment, mouth agape as she stared up at him. He was healthy, his olive skin filled with a rich warmth and no wastage of muscle as he watched her.

"Qotho." She uttered, barely moving an inch.

"Hello Rhaenar." Her throat thickened as her eyes tingled, a wave of pure happiness settling in her chest as she just looked at him. "Are you going to get over here and hug me or continue to stand there gormlessly?" He teased, a smirk on his stupid face.

Rhaenar broke, running at him before launching herself at his body, her arms wrapping tight around him as she buried her face within the crook of his neck. He was here, and he was real, and he was breathing as though he hadn't been asleep for months on end. "You truly know how to ruin a moment." She whimpered, not minding the hot trails that seemed to mark their way down her cheeks.

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