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I have 5 minutes to prepare for a zoom meeting but I'm still writing fanfic. Happy Tuesday!

Rhaenar couldn't help but let the dream consume her once more, the dragons, the two white haired men

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Rhaenar couldn't help but let the dream consume her once more, the dragons, the two white haired men. It was tripping her, making her stumble at the sheer memory of it. She knew fever dreams had always plagued the Targaryen, and while Rhaenar had never particularly had one, this felt exactly how they'd always been described.

It had felt so real, so lifelike, projecting her straight into the centre of battle. "With a look like that, I would think that floor would be ten foot under by now." A voice called out, breaking the Queen from her daydream as she glanced up, Daario Naharis standing in front of her. Rhaenar took a moment to look at him, surprise crossing her features at her sister's lover, his ace looking as innocent as a Septa, his hands tucked behind his back.

"What do you want? You've come in unannounced." Rhaenar said, standing from her seat to pour him a goblet of wine. She held the silver jug in hand, watching the red liquid fill the goblet. Rhaenar wasn't feeling in the best of moods, and nowhere near pleasant enough to talk to him.

Daario smirked, watching her. "The Unsullied announced me five minutes ago, you were day dreaming." Oh, she thought, frowning.

"Then why are you here?" She passed him the goblet before sitting down once more, her own untouched as she crossed her legs. Daario being here didn't feel right, like he was up to something.

"I came to ask a favour. I only have two talents in this world; war and women. You are staying here in Meereen to rule, that is a wise decision, I respect it." Does he now? She thought bitterly, reaching for the cup before sipping. "But here in Meereen, I cannot pursue my talents." And what talents they were, war and women; in the entire time the company had been pledged to her, they had access to women around them, and war was constantly on the doorstep. She only had to think about Yunkai and Astapor to know she was still at war.

Daario sat opposite, his eyes speaking truth. "And these talents, I'm sure they are being met. Mero and I co-ordinate daily, the same way I do with Grey Worm and Jheno on how to use the forces. Currently, the Second Sons are ordered to patrol the streets to stop the revenge killings of both Masters and their former slaves; that should at least cover the blood thirsty tendencies you have for war." She reminded him, knowing Mero was fully in control of how they were used.

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