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VV short. I'm sorry. 


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There were two bodies huddled on the bed as the small party moved in, Rhaenar unsheathing her sword. She tiptoed over, keeping her movements silent as she used the tip to lift the necklace from him. It came off with a tug, his body flying up with it. Rhaenar smiled at him before glancing to the woman beside him, a gasp tumbling from Rhae's lips.

Though it was dark, and barely any light flickered from the beacons, she knew who was beside him. Doreah watched her, a look of regret filling her. "Khaleesi, please. He said you'd never leave Qarth alive." Rhaenar continued to smile, the betrayal cutting deep. Had she been the one to kill Irri? Had she even needed to? She knew Doreah had been jealous, that men spoke when they were happy; but not like this. This girl, she gave her everything, and she betrayed her. A sour taste was left in her mouth at the sight of Doreah. 

"Come." She said, turning from them. Xaro hissed, drawing his sword but Jorah was there, his own sword raised beneath Xaro's chin. Xaro looked to Jorah before back to Rhaenar, shaking his head. "Get dressed, we don't expect you to walk around in your smallcloths - that would be entirely inappropriate." She uttered lightly, shifting her gaze to Qotho.

The two hurried to get changed before being flanked by Dothraki, following Rhaenar as she led them around Xaro's manse; through the dark passaged lit only by the torches in their hands. It was quiet, neither of the two talking but Doreah grovelling as they looked upon the vault. It was a large thing, as wide as it was large with ornate carvings around the door. Rhaenar held her breath as Qotho took the necklace, placing it in the lock before twisting.

The door pulled with little force, one of the Dothraki taking a torch from the wall before holding it out. She took it from him, moving inside. It was empty, clear of any possessions or gold. Rhaenar looked to Xaro. "Nothing." She muttered softly, smirking as she shook her head. "Thank you, Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Thank you truly for teaching me such an important lesson." She moved out of the way, sending a nod to the Dothraki holding the two.

"I am King of Qarth. I can help you now, truly help you. We can take the Iron Throne. I'll bring you a thousand ships." He pleaded as he was pushed further into the vault, Rhaenar shaking her head, not believing his lies.

"Please, Khaleesi, I beg you." Doreah cried, pulling her nightdress closer to her.

"All that you have dreamed is within your reach!" "I beg you, please! - Khaleesi. Please! Please! Khaleesi!" Jorah pushed the door shut, locking it back with the key. She could barely hear their screams through the thick door, no doubt that they have met their fate. He handed her back the key, her eyes falling upon it. She took it, turning to the window before opening it. She could hear the crash of the sea below her, the thick waves choppy.

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