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I'm sorry, I've been getting distracted.

Rhaenar couldn't believe what she'd read, the words clear as day in front of her

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Rhaenar couldn't believe what she'd read, the words clear as day in front of her. Daenerys was intended for another, but she was currently pregnant. Very pregnant. With a sellsword's baby, there was no way in all of the Seven Hells Daenerys was going to agree to a marriage with Dorne or Dorne to her; not with the love of her life Daario. In some way, they had categorically messed up the entire deal with Dorne. "Have Dorne tried to contact you further on this?" She asked, leaning back into the wire chair.

The Sealord shook his head, gazing to the paper between them. "Dorne had said no more on it, it could be that they don't wish to fulfill the pact any further." If they wanted to cross the Narrow Sea, then this would be that step forward they needed. This would give them men and ships, a place to start and plan the reclaiming of the Iron Throne; this would give Daenerys an army of her own. She needed to talk about this with Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan; see their side of this, what they thought of Dorne and this Oberyn Martell.

"If we had no knowledge of this, and Willem Darry signed it; do we need to do anything about this? Especially if Dorne has not been in contact." She said, staring down at the signatures.

"You don't need to do anything, but I know this Prince Oberyn Martell - they don't call him the Red Viper for nothing. If you cross that sea without fulfilling this pact, it could mean losing allies." Ferrego tried to reason with her. Rhaenar shook her head, she was fucked.

She looked back to Mero, wanting his opinion. "Would it hurt to send an emissary? Request Dorne's position on this pact?"

He shrugged, unsure. "It wouldn't hurt, but what if they force you or Daenerys into marriage? And how are you going to get emissary to get there, your men are in Meereen." She sighed, thinking. She couldn't just leave this be, this could be that bridge to crossing into Westeros, a place to land. She chewed her lip, frowning.

"I'll send a small group from the Golden Company, write letters explaining what has been found. Whoever this Oberyn Martell is, might be a friend? He could despise the King." It sounded logical, but was it?

"Or he could be there to fool you, we don't know their stance." Mero countered.

The Sealord looked between the pair. "Perhaps I can offer some insight?" She nodded. "Prince Oberyn Martell was the brother of Elia, Rhaegar's wife." Of course, how could she forget Elia! Murdered and raped in the most horrific way by the Lannister army. "He despises the Lannisters, all of Dorne does."

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