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Rhae held many arguments as she docked back at Dragonstone; over which armies to take, over who would arrive, over how she should arrive

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Rhae held many arguments as she docked back at Dragonstone; over which armies to take, over who would arrive, over how she should arrive... In the end, she screamed at the lot of them telling them that they would arrive together by ship, and approach as a party. There was no need for Dragons, or for the entirety of her armies to be there. Her hand covered her eyes as she rested her head on Qotho's shoulder, shaking her head.

"The Dothraki will take 20,000 men; the Reach, Dorne, and the West will meet us there, also taking 20,000 men. The Golden Company, and the Unsullied will remain where they are stationed with the exception of Harry, Malthar, Sebastian, and Torgo." Rhae uttered again, dropping her hand to glare at them all. "It's too late to change our plans, this is what we are doing." She could almost see King's Landing from the ship, another hour and they would be docking.

"It's not too late, we can still call upon the dragons and the armies, it would only delay the meeting by another hour." Tyrion tried to argue, but Rhaenar shook her head.

She was tired of arguing with everyone around her. "No, this is what I've decided upon. If we are to go to the Dragonpit, I will not arrive by Dragon to make a spectacle of myself. I may be the Dragon Princess, but I would prefer to leave them there." Rhae stated. "Does anyone else hold any other objections to this plan?" She asked as she looked over the main member of her council; Missandei and Jorah shook their heads quickly, Aegon, Shaqafi, and Qotho staying silent as they watched her; leaving the blinking eyes of Meria, Barristan, Tyrion, and Varys to watch her.

"I know you're concerned since Viserion's loss, but she still does not know that we have lost him - Cersei still believes we have four dragons and I'd like to keep it that way." The ship had become slightly cramped with the addition of Jon and his men, along with Sandor - the man with the burned face.

Rhae rose her head, moving through the ship before stopping at the edge, staring off. This whole meeting had her nerves fried, her body shivering in anticipation as her fingers drummed against the wood. This would be her first step into King's Landing ever, the home of her family where the Targaryens had lived for hundreds of years, yet here she was, nervous to be let into the gates.

This meeting had to go well if they had any chance of stopping the dead, and it all rested on the shoulders of Cersei Lannister. She hoped the presence of Tywin would knock her confidence, make her see sense that this war would be more than personal pride and who wears the crown. "You look lost in thought." Missandei uttered as she stood beside Rhaenar, a smile on her lips as her hand stopped just shy of Rhae's. "You're worried?"

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