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Rhaenar woke to the noisiest morning she had had since arriving at Dragonstone, her body jolting up as the shouts came from her window

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Rhaenar woke to the noisiest morning she had had since arriving at Dragonstone, her body jolting up as the shouts came from her window. Despite being at one of the higher points, she could hear the muffle chants echo up through the sky; the sound ricocheting through the room as she stood from the bed and made her way forward. The tips of her fingers touched at the cold panes, pushing on one before the freezing air whipped into the room.

She shivered. Below her she could distinctively make out the bodies of the Firebornes, Aegon pacing in front of them as he shouted at them, the swords repeating the words after him. He looked ferocious, a pure mess of a warrior as the anger overtook him, spewing his harsh nature from his lips. Banging his sword against his shield he turned, catching Rhae's eye as she laughed down at him. "Do you see up there?!" He screamed out, sword raising to where she was stood.

"Your Queen is watching you! I expect you to put on a good show!" He cried out.

Rhaenar leaned against the window, a smile on her face as she looked over those in the company. "Whoever comes out victorious from you sparring, may ride first into battle with me." She shouted down to them. Much like the Golden Company and the Unsullied had done, Rhaenar had never been able to see what the Firebornes were like on the field; and now was the perfect chance for her to.

"You heard her! Do not disappoint me!" In a hurry, the men fluttered around before finding their sparring partners, moving in sync with one another as one stroked as the other pulled back.

Rhaenar's eyes flickered to Aegon, watching as he began his own pacing around a small group of men. She smirked; time to have a little fun. "Don't think you are exempt Aegon! I want to see what you can do." It was a dangerous smirk he gave her at her request, a brow rose.

"You'll be bitterly disappointed, Rhae! I'll beat them all." They'll see. One man dared to turn from his partner, the two working in sync to lunge at Aegon; his sword meeting theirs as he defended himself. The dark cloak he wore only hindered him as he threw it to the floor, leaving him in a plain tunic; his muscles rippling as he eased his shoulders. Pushing one of the men away, he elbowed the other in the face knocking him to the floor as he turned his attention back to the one who had first started swinging.

Their swords clashed midair, eyes darting from the other bodies of people as they dared to watch their leader fight. More decided to move on, risking their chances against Aegon as he began to tear through them like butter. "Forgive me, Your Grace, for intruding." A voice called from behind her, Rhaenar jolting before turning to meet them.

Ser Barristan stood before her, cloak billowing behind him as he faced her. "No please, come in." She offered with a smile, her hip resting on the window as she turned back to look out, watching Aegon. "What did you come here for, Ser Barristan? You wouldn't have come all this way if it wasn't important."

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