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Rhaenar hadn't received the warmest of welcomes as she made her way through Vaes Dothrak in the past few days, but that was expected when she had all but murdered the Khals through keeping them trapped in the Temple. There had been much to do to keep her preoccupied, but Qotho kept by her side for all of it as did Shaqafi. "Tell me again, how many men here are there roughly ready to fight?" She asked, eyes running over the bloodriders they had managed to gather.

"Almost 70,000 men are ready to fight." Her stomach dropped at the number, her eyes widening. That was more than double what she had, giving her almost 100,000 men. "Women, children, and the elderly at 60,000."

She looked over to Shaqafi, surprise on both of their faces. "And if the women want to fight?" She asked Qohollo.

His eyes widened, unsure if he heard her right. "Women, fight? Women don't fight if they have families."

"That was before I was their Khaleesi. If they wish to fight..." She urged him again. She wasn't going to waste a single person, not if they wanted to run from the sideline and join the fight - it was only fair that they got given the option too.

Qohollo sighed. "Maybe... 30,000; it's unlikely that they wish to fight, they have children to care about."

Shaqafi turned to him, her hazel eyes glaring at him slightly. "So do the men." Rhaenar reminded her. "Here we will fight equally; anyone who can and wishes to fight, will; any who may find the journey too strenuous or don't wish to participate may stay here; my decision is final." She uttered, looking over them again. The bloodriders didn't seem to agree but none spoke up as they nodded, understanding their new Khaleesi. "Go, tell them my decision."

"That was a wise choice, Khaleesi." Jorah said as he stood proudly behind her, watching as she made her decisions without the need of her advisors. Rhaenar felt a bubble build in her stomach as she nodded, smiling at him thankfully.

"Qotho and Shaqafi will overlook the Dothraki, and report back as commanders." Rhaenar said as she turned back around, looking between the pair. "We'll need training to begin as soon as possible, and Shaqafi will be in charge of a new elite squad."

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