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Xaro had caught her gaze from across the garden as darkness had descended across the gardens; Rhaenar quick to mutter something to Drogo before slipping away to her host. He offered his arm, a small hand reaching up to lock onto the skin as he led the two of them through a series of hallways. "So, tell me, how long has your manservant been in love with Daenerys?"

Rhaenar laughed, shaking her head as he addressed Ser Jorah. "He's not my manservant and he's not in love with her. He's my advisor, our most trusted friend; he just cares for us, that's all." And he was a bloody good one at that. Ser Jorah had always looked out for them in the time he had come under her service; never once had she needed to question his loyalty, or misjudge his intentions - even if at times they differ from her own; she knew that Jorah knew the best course of action, and look where she was now.

"Unlikely. I can almost always tell what a man wants." Xaro's words piqued her interest, Rhaenar looking up to him at his words.

"What a man wants? What about what a woman wants?" She questioned, wondering if perhaps Xaro knew all along the reason behind why Drogo and his Khalasar were here. Yet, why would he let them in if he did? She knew she had to bluff Daenerys's hand in marriage, and the deal of horses and fine clothing for money.

"Much more complicated. You, for example, what do you want?" She hesitated at the question, her indigo eyes filling with a strange look as she gazed at the people that passed them.

What did she want? Her child, her husband, her family. To be safe, away from Robert's assassins. "To cross the Narrow Sea and take back the Iron Throne, to find a home once and for all." It would be the only way.


Why else? "Because I promised my family I'd protect them, I'd find them a safe home with opportunities. I could do that here, but I could do it much better in Westeros, with real power." He didn't need to know that the drive for taking the Throne came from an odd sense in her gut, that it felt like something had told her to drive towards taking back what felt like theirs.

Xaro turned, slowing their pace until he stood in front of her. He was a large man, taller than any average man she had seen before - even rivaling that of her husband. "You want to conquer the Seven Kingdoms for the Dothraki?" He questioned with an air of arrogance to it.

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