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Her heart pounded in her ears as she lept back down the steps before being helped upon the boat, her heels clicking on the wood as she rushed down

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Her heart pounded in her ears as she lept back down the steps before being helped upon the boat, her heels clicking on the wood as she rushed down. She didn't know where to go, who to see first but as the door was pushed open, Rhaenar slipped in. They battled at getting Jon to the bed, his eyes closed; almost as though he was sleeping. Davos' hands worked quickly upon his coat, the fur crunching from the ice that lined it as they tore it from his body.

Men slipped past her, raising Jon from his place as they pulled at his coat. With a grunt it slipped out from underneath him, the men moving away from her brother. His skin was spotted in hues of deep blue, bitten from the ice that he had become submerged in back at the lake; but that wasn't what drew her attention as she stepped closer. Deep, thick gashes sliced at his torso, mottling the skin with ridges at least a width of a finger deep.

He had taken a knife in the heart for his men, he had died much like she had. Rhaenar bit down on her lip, eyes flickering to Davos who watched her. He could see the confusion in the dark hues, the sadness and pain as Rhaenar stood in silence. "Come on, Love; let him warm up and rest for a little bit, give him a chance to wake up." He muttered, crossing the length of the small cabin before resting his hand upon her shoulder and turning her away.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked him, her feet jolting slightly at the movement.

Davos glanced back, not entirely sure. "He'll be alright. Go look after yourself, you could use it." He shut the door as she crossed the threshold, Rhaenar glancing down. She wanted to be there for Jon, but Davos was right; he needed to rest, and she needed to look after herself if they were going to defeat the Night King.

She had to find Aegon, no one had told her if he had returned or not; Rhae had only happened upon Jon by chance. Her eyes swept across the small number of doors, before settling on the one next door to her own. He had to be there. Rhaenar moved forward, placing her hand to the doorknob before it was ripped open; Sake stood behind it. The two jumped, eyes wide as they looked at one another. "Khaleesi?"

"Is Aegon here?" She asked hurriedly, their eyes meeting.

"He's in your room, I was just fetching my kit. Come with me." Rhae's heart stopped for a moment. Sake need to fetch her kit? That couldn't be good. The woman slipped past her stunned Khaleesi, the door slamming shut behind her as she slipped through the narrow gap and pushed open the next set of doors. Rhaenar didn't want to see what state he was in, but she turned regardless, entering the little cabin.

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