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They'd been travelling down the river for what felt like months, Rhaenar's eyes constantly drifting to the horizon as she was desperate for any sight of Braavosi land

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They'd been travelling down the river for what felt like months, Rhaenar's eyes constantly drifting to the horizon as she was desperate for any sight of Braavosi land. They were to cross the entirety of the continent to get there, and she knew it would take time but it didn't make her any more patient. Her fingers drummed on the wood edge, body tense. "Relax, Khaleesi; the Captain said we will arrive soon." Mero eased, his hand running up and down her arm.

They'd barely separated since boarding the ship; choosing to spend their time in the cabin, or playing games with the Unsullied, they were almost never seen without the other beside them. It made Rhaenar feel safe; miles from Meereen, all she had was Mero by her side. Rhaenar lent back, feeling his front press to her back; the solid wall of muscle grounding her. "How long has it been since you set foot in Braavos?" She asked, glancing up to him.

"How long has the sky been blue?" He teased, but his ocean eyes hardened at the thought. "It's been a while, a few years perhaps."

"Do you miss it?" She questioned, taking hold of his hand.

"I miss the Titan, his roar at dawn and dusk. You could tell the time by the hours that had passed just by hearing it." Rhaenar smiled, gazing up at him. He remained like stone as he kept his arm tight around her, as though someone would leap from the river and attack them. "They have oysters like no other, a delicacy that many pay well for. It's how I started out." Mero mused.

She pulled away slightly, a smile remaining at the corner of her lips. "What?"

"Before being a Sellsword. My father and I used to row out through the legs of the Titan every day to catch oysters, it was our only source of income. My mother being poor and ill, we needed the money and if you knew how to catch them, you'd be paid well. I remember casting the nets, waiting before pulling them in, and when we did they used to be full of these beautiful shells. We'd sell to anyone who was paying."

His eyes remained hard as he shook his head. "One of the other oyster fishermen grew jealous, he killed my father one day at sea and took me under his wing; refusing me from seeing my mother. He trained me very much like the Unsullied, I was made to become ruthless on the battlefield. I killed him when I was old enough for what he did to my father, and when I went back for my mother, she was dead. I had nothing and no one but the skills I'd been taught, so I made my way into becoming a sellsword."

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