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I can't wait to share with you xc. and xci. 

Rhaenar's hands found the expanse of cool stone as she gazed out over the crashing waves; it was a rare sunny day with somewhat of a clear sky

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Rhaenar's hands found the expanse of cool stone as she gazed out over the crashing waves; it was a rare sunny day with somewhat of a clear sky. Hues of yellow, orange, and light blue speckled the horizon; the clouds like little glowing puffs above the dark green island. Rhae loved most of all the sight of the blue water, the white foam that rose as it hit the rocks. She couldn't imagine what Aenar would have thought, the first Targaryen to have landed upon this island. It must have been such a far cry from Valyria where tall open spires sat, and buildings made from dark magic pierced the sky.

It was so natural here, almost prehistoric as she stared at the sharp slides of cliffs. The dragons swooped, toying with each other as they soared through the air; they fit in here, like they belonged. She sighed happily, the wind brushing her cheek as Viserion soared above her. Indigo flickered up, seeing the thick layer of scales and two feet beneath wide wings. How phenomenal they were, so free here.

Footsteps echoed behind her, her head lowering slightly. "Amazing thing to see." A Northern voice uttered behind her, Rhae hardly turning as he slowly approached.

"Yes; they're mostly named for my brothers, Viserion and Rhaegal." Rhae said softly as she saw the two circle one another. Viserion had always been close with Rhaenys, and Rhaegal close with Leirion. "Unfortunately they're both dead." She uttered, turning her face slightly, she eyed the King in the North. "You've lost family too, haven't you? Two brothers?" His head nodded. "I'm sorry."

Jon remained on the steps as she turned. He was wrapped in a thick shawl, his dark cloak flickering around his ankles as a stony expression remained on his features. "The world seems to be filled with the impossible; dragons, Night Kings, and Azor Ahais. Maybe it is time to rethink what we know."

"You've been talking to Tyrion." He stated, not mincing his words as he glanced down, making his way to her.

Rhae nodded. "He is my Hand, a man I rely upon. Why would I not talk to him?"

"He enjoys talking." She turned, a coy smile on her lips as she nodded.

"It's something he's good at, and if someone is good at something, they enjoy doing it." Rhae didn't know what she was good at, perhaps nothing but bossing people around - she didn't enjoy that all the time.

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